Chapter 15: The Challenge & Identity Reveiled

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Normal Pov

It was a normal school day when an announcement was made by the principle

"Attention to all students. Apparently another school challenged us and it will be broad cast on the news and so we need to make sure that we win this, we need to show them that we are better than them. The challenge is from Saga Academy, a music and dance school from America. They will be represented by The Nazuka twins. We all know they are famous but we also have that in our school, Fuuto Asahina will be representing us"

"WHAT!! I am not going to do it. I hate does twins and I never agreed to it" Fuuto said

"I called your manager and thought it was a great idea" The principle said

"You know we are at a disadvantage here right. The school doesn't have a band" Fuuto said

"Don't worry about that, I hired a band and also know a girl that will sing with you since it's a duet challenge. You will begin practicing every time for a week since the challenge is next week" The principle explained

"How can you except me to win, the challenge is next week" Fuuto said

"I will give you special treatment to skip class this week and practice" The principle continued

"Fine I guess that will do but I will tell everyone what to do" Fuuto said

The principle nodded and he and Fuuto shakes hands. All of the students watched the scene before them and headed to class


The week passed and it is the night before the challenge

Rosalie Pov

'I wonder where Fuuto is. I haven't see him all week, he must be practicing but where he isn't in his room. I will check out the school' I thought

I went to school and as I expected the school was open and went in the music room finding Fuuto singing. This week all I did was making excuses to the teacher so that I could listen Fuuto's songs. I had to admit the songs where amazing and I already learned them. I went in and gave Fuuto a water bottle that I bought from a vending machine

"Thanks" Fuuto said while taking the bottle to drink

"So do you think you will win?" I asked

"I don't know, I hope so if I don't my career might be over" He said giving me a small smile

"Are you coming home?" I asked

"No, I will practice a bit more. You go on a head" Fuuto said

"Okay bye... Fuuto just know that I believe in you" I said

I exited the room and the only thought that came in mind was the smile he gave me. 'A fake smile' I thought. 'I never seen Fuuto so serious about anything and for some reason that Akira girl (the girl Fuuto will be singing with) and her band gives me a bad vibe' I thought worried

'I have to make sure it goes smoothly. I know' I thought and grabbed my phone and dailed a number

"Hello" Someone said on the other line

"Hey dude it's Rose, I think it's time" I said


The Day of the challenge

Normal Pov

"All right students, now that you are all settled in I will explain how the challenge will go down. Five judged are brought from different countries and they will see who will win, of course you will vote for you favorite by cheering. Each singer will sing three songs and two duets which involves dancing as well. The Nazuka Twins will go first and then Fuuto and Akira. The challenge began now" The Principle said

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