Chapter 32: Surprise?

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(Rosalie Pov)

Life is great, at least half of it. My dad is still against the idea of my relationship with Kaname but with my mums help we can manage to convince him to accept us. It's 2 weeks since we 'announced' being a couple and so we can be free acting as a couple in front of others. Everything is beginning to calm down, Subaru and Ema also told the family of them being together. Some of the brothers weren't expecting this and were kind of angry but they couldn't argue, it was their life. The only problem right now is that for a week I have been feeling sick, food cravings mostly for chocolate and pizza and lack of energy. I tried hiding it from the others and it worked accept for Ema, she saw right through me and today she told me to go with her to by something that can help me.

"Ready sis?" Ema asked

"Yeah" I said

We went in town and entered a pharmacy. I followed Ema as she began circling around the shelves. She then stopped at a shelf section but I didn't bother to care, I was distracted playing with a toddler while his mother shops. Ema picked up some things and went to pay for them. I waved the kid goodbye and joined Ema. We both went straight to her room and began searching in the bag. When she must have found what she was looking for, she turned to me expended her hand to give me A PREGNANCY TEST!!!

"Ema you think that...."

"We have to find out don't we"

"Isn't this box enough, why are you getting another one" I asked as she blshed

"Well my period is kind of late and you know"

" together"


We waited for a maximm of 15 minutes and went to check

I froze

"Negative, what about you Roe?"


Ema then came and took my pregnancy test


Ema then gave me a hug

"It's going to be okay Roe. I will be there for you"

" am I suppose to tell Kaname" I said in a sad voice and began crying

"He's going to leave me, no one wants a pregnant girlfriend" and continued crying

"Roe Kaname isn't going to leave you, I know he won't. He loves you so much, everyone can see it"

"Yeah but.."

"No buts, he deserve to know"

"I will tell him when I see him"

"Rosalie I'm home" Kaname said from downstairs

"I will be in my room" I said as I was trying to get out of Ema's

"Roe you are going downstairs and tell him, better tell him now than later"

I sight

"Fine...just..can you come with me"

"Of course"

We both went downstairs and guess what, all brothers were there except Wataru

'Great' I thought

As Kaname saw me he came and gave me a kiss earning a 'eeww' from the others.

'Kids' I thought as I flashed a smile

Then Ema made eye contact with me, signaling me to tell him but I didn't even open my mouth. I was scared

"Kaname Roe wants to tell you something" Ema said

The brothers then turned to me, waiting for me to talk. I remained silent

"Rosalie is everything wrong?" Kaname asked concerned

"Maybe she doesn't love you anymore" Tsubaki said bluntly earning him a glare from both me and Kaname

" love me don't you?" I asked

"Of course I do, you know that Rosalie. Why are you asking me that?Did I do something wrong?" He asked concerned

"No Kaname you are amazing. The thing is that....I'm...Kaname I'm pr...." I hesitated but was interrupted by Wataru

"Oni-sans look what I found" He said as he showed the 2 pregnancy tests

All of the brother's mouth hang open and then turned to both me and Ema




They couldn't even continue what they wanted to say. They are shocked by this

"It's mine and Roe" Ema said blushing

"Well you guys are the only girls here, definitally not ours" Fuuto said sarcastically

"So which one of you is pregnant?" Yuusuke asked

"No don't answer, I think I know which is" Tsubaki said

"Rosalie" All of them answered except for Kaname as they turned to me

"How did you know it was me to begin with?"I asked curious

"Well you don't have to think that hard" Natsume said

"We kind of noticed you and Kaname were having sex from your face when you blush as you look at him"

"What look?" I asked a bit angry

"Hormons" Tsubaki said and I throw a book at him

"See told you" He continued

"Lets give them some privacy"Ukyo said

The brothers left leaving me and Kaname standing directly at each other

"Are you sure that it's positive?"

"Yeah definetly mine"


"Kaname I know we didn't plan this but I am not getting rid of this child...I will raise it on my own"

"I didn't say I never wanted the child, I'm just surprised. I was hopping maybe after the wedding we could make a family but it came a little bit earlier than expected"

"So you won't leave me?"

"Never. I love you so much to do that to you besides we can have a mini you running around here"

We both started laughing and he gave me a hug



"Lets not get married yet. I will have the child and then when the baby is grown a bit we can get married then."

"Sure, on one condition don't run away from me"

"I won't"

We shared a kiss and went to sleep in Kaname's room

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