Chapter 29: Confronting my Feelings

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(Rosalie Pov - 2 hours ago)

Today is the day I am straightening thing up with Kaname. 

So basically my brilliant plan is to go at his work place and talk to him there since if I went to see him as a customer he can't refuse me. Pretty smart huu but not so smart when it comes to want I am going to wear. I laterally disorganized my closet trying clothes to what to wear.

"Neko what do you think?" I said looking for the 50th time in the mirror

"Meeoooow" Neko sounded annoyed

"Neko please I know you are fed up, I mean I even am but I need to do this right" I said as I grabbed Neko in my arms

"I need to look good for Daddy so that Mummy can tell Daddy about her feelings okay?" I asked

"Meow" Neko said cheerfully

"Waa Neko wait.....Neko don't ..I'm going to drop you" I panicked as Neko started moving in every direction until I dropped him but he managed to lend on his feet and went running under my bed. I looked under the bed to find Neko struggling to get a box out. Neko looked at me with meaningful eyes as if he is trying to tell me to look inside the box. I opened the box to find a beautiful miniskirt 

which is totally my style and a note at the bottom of the box

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which is totally my style and a note at the bottom of the box.

The Note:

Sorry little sis I couldn't help myself, I had to buy it. When I looked at it I thought of you. I hope to see you in it in the future.

Love K

'Kaname thank you' I  thought while putting on a smile

"Meow" Neko meowed

"What do you think Neko? Its the first step towards my future, it will fit perfectly right?" I asked

"Meow Meow" Neko agreed as he jumped in my arms and licked my face

"I will take that as a yes. The only think left is to get ready" I stated

"Meow" Neko said cutely

(minutes passed - still 2 hours ago part)

" Well Neko I'm done. Do you think he will like?" I asked

"Meow Meow" Neko agreed

"Thanks Neko you are the best. I wouldn't know what I will do without you" I said hugging the kitten in my arms

Then the clock ticked 9 p.m

"It's time. Bye Neko wish me luck" I said as I walked out 

(Present time - end of 2 hours ago)

Here I am outside the shrine at 9:30, nowadays only slut's are seen at this time tonight as drunken guys but I managed to arrive safely with commands and whistels directed to me. I went inside the tent that said 'Requests are taken here' and found a 17 year old boy.

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