Chapter 17: A Little Hint of Blooming Love

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Six weeks have pushed since that day. Police came and went but there weren't any sign of the person who wrote the letters. These six weeks were pretty much boring but my brothers kept their promise and kept me company when they were free.

Here I am today lying on the couch doing nothing but staring at the ceiling and petting Juli. The other are all at work today and I was left alone. I heard the front door open and saw Kaname sneaking in quietly with a box in his hand

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Nothing..just being my normal self" He said

"Really then why are you sneaking? You usually pick on me or using one of your pick up lines" I said

"That's because I am always trying to get you to smile" Kaname explained

"What are you talking about....I am always smiling aren't I?" I asked

"Yeah but I want to see your real smile, like the one you gave me when I first met you" He said as he lifted my chin up with one hand while the other kept holding the box

I blushed

"Perv...I know you are hiding something" I said

The box that was in his hand began moving and also a meow was heard. Kaname released my chin and hold the box with his two hands.

"I guess I could give it to you now since you want to see" He said looking at my curious face

He sat the box on the living room table and I followed him.

"Open it" Kaname said

I did what he told me and when I opened it I found a white cute little kitten.

I did what he told me and when I opened it I found a white cute little kitten

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 I picked the kitten up and petted her

"I didn't know you are a cat person Kaname. I know you, where hiding it because you are embarrassed that your brothers might find out that you like cute things"

"Well I don't hate cats but it's not mine, it's yours. I bought it for you" He said

"Kaname you didn't have to but thanks anyway. I will take good care of her" I said

"So what are you going to name her?" Kaname asked

"'s a cute name for a cute kitten like her" I said smiling

"Here I got you something else" He said

He handed me a paper bag. I looked in to find a coral 

 I looked in to find a coral 

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