Chapter 1: The Request

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Rosalie Pov

"Okay guys get into positions. This is our final practice for tomorrows concert so give it all you got" the manager said

The band all went to the stage they will be performing the next day, they took position and they began playing. After singing three song after another the band stopped to take a break.

"Good job guys" the manager stated

"Rose great job" the manager said

"Thanks" I said happily and started walking off the stage

"Wait...Rose" he said walking fast so he could catch up to me

I turned and waited for him to come to me. While looking I noticed that he was holding my phone. When he came to me, he gave me my phone

"Your phone was ringing when you where practicing. It rang for at least five times so I decided to answer it and it was your father, he told me that I should tell you to call him back once you are done" the manager explained

"Ohh okay. Thanks" I said giving him a smile

I went to my band mates and told them that I need to make a phone call and left while heading outside. I dialed my father's number and waited for him to answer

"Hello" Dad said

"Hi dad it's me, I was practicing when you called so I couldn't answer" I said

"Its okay dear anyways are you finished? "He said

"No we still have three more song to play and right now I am on break" I answered

"Can I have a talk with you, it won't take too long I promise" Dad said

"Yeah okay" I said

"We are waiting for you in the coffee shop that is in front of the stage, meet us there okay" Dad said

"Okay dad I'm on my way" I said while ending the call

While walking I was thinking what he wanting to talk about and why he was here in America and not in Japan where sister is. I arrived in front of the coffee shop, stepped inside and made my way to the table where my dad and his new wife Miwa where sitting. I greeted them and sat around the table.

"You are looking well. My my you sure grow a lot, I almost didn't recognized you" Dad said happy to see me

"Well it's being five year since you last saw me in person" I said to Dad while looking at him and then to his new wife

"Ohh I know it's probably late for introduction but my name is Rosalie Hinata. Thanks for taking care of my dad and also I am grateful to finally meet you" I said giving her a smile

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, I heard quite a bit from you father about you. You sure are a wonderful young girl" Miwa said to me

"Thanks" I said rubbing my hair with my hands

"So dad what did you want to talk about? Did something happen? " I said remembering the reason I had to meet them

"No nothing happened dear..." Dad said and stopped but continued

"It's just I know it's been more than eight months since our wedding and your sister moved in with your new brothers and all, I was wondering if you would like to go live with them even if it's just for few months so you can meet them in person and also I am sure your sister really wants to see you" He said while looking at me

I was a bit stunned about what he had suggested and stared blankly looking at my parents without saying a word. Seeing me confused, Miwa began talking to me

"You don't have to worry about anything, I am sure the boys and your sister will welcome you with open arms. They all stay in the same house except two of them, of course everyone has their own room and you can stay there. There is still a room available next to you sister if you want to, I am sure you would want to catch up with her and all. I know you are quite busy with your career and school, which is why your dad decided to transfer you back to school in Japan where your sister and some of my sons attend. So what do you think?" She said to me looking at me with a smile

"And I'm sure you can use a break from you career, you worked so hard and all you deserve to have some days off" Dad continued

"Well I guess I could use a break now and then, and I definitely want to see my sister and my new brothers. If it's not so much trouble for any of my siblings I wouldn't mind going" I said

They both smiled at me and told me that they would take care of thing. I received a text from my friends to continue practice. I said my goodbyes to my parents and headed to the stage. After practice was over I told them about me moving back to Japan. They understood my situation and agreed that after the concert tomorrow, the band should take a break to relax and enjoy themselves.

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