Chapter 7: The Latest Introductions

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Rosalie Pov

BANG BANG that was what I heard first thing in the morning

"Hey sis wake up. You need to get ready for school" Ema said behind the door

"Big sis five more minutes" I said sleepy while dropping straight to bed

"Come on Roe wake up. Breakfast is ready" Ema said when I heard the door open revealing Ema and a sleepy Juli on her shoulder

"Biggg sisssss" I said giving her an innocent face and puppy dog eyes

"Fine, then don't come but I guess you are not going to find any pancakes with chocolate if you don't get up now" Ema said and with that I jumped out of bed

"Pancakes seriously, Yummy" I said like a little kid while getting ready for school

"You never change do you especially when it comes to food. I will see you downstairs then" She said while I gave her thumbs up

"Hey Chee you should lock the door behind whenever you go to your room especially at night" Juli said while he was on my desk looking at me

"Yesterday I forgot to that's all but why are you insisting on locking the door anyway. I mean at night everyone is asleep and besides I have my brothers and my karate moves to help me out" I said

"Chee that's exactly why I am afraid off. Those pack of wolves are always trying to find some sort of excuse. Chee you should be careful, I didn't like the way those wolves where looking at you and you even haven't met the rest yet" Juli said panicking

"Juli calm down, until now they seem pretty normal although they are also quite the strange bunch. Even so I am their sister and I have to 'bond' with them" I said to make my point

"Ooh Chee I guess you are dense like your sister sometimes" Juli whispered to himself

"Juli did you say something?" I questioned

"No Chee. Lets go now, Chii is waiting for you" Juli said

"Sure thing Juli" I said while giving Juli time to get on my shoulder and walked out of my room making my way to the living room

As me and Juli were on the elevator he wouldn't stop talking about not to let my guard off when there is a brother around. 'Juli never changes does he. He is always protective of me and my sister especially when it comes to boys. Well I never mind, I guess that means he cares about us. My little knight in shining armor' I thought. As we made my way through the living room I saw two other unfamiliar faces. As I was noticed by my family, the blond guy walked slowly to me and gave me a hug

"It's nice to meet you. I am quite the lucky guy to have a little sister like you. My name is Kaname Asahina" The blond guy said while giving me another guy

'Well first impression about this guy, he seems like a playboy and a flirt but I guess I have to put up with it, he is my brother' I thought

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Rosalie, please look after me" I said and gave him a smile

"You sure have a nice smile little sister. Hey Subaru introduce yourself it's rude if you don't" Kaname said to Subaru

"Hey" Subaru said while getting up and headed out

'That was strange, did I do something to upset him' I thought

"Sorry about him, he has a lot in his mind but if you want to talk about anything come find me, it is my job to listen to you" Kaname said to me

"Sure thanks" I said

"See you later my sweet.... little....sister" Kaname whispered in my ear which made me tense up when I could feel his breath in my ear

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