Chapter 22: Lost all Hope until a Spark of light appear in the Darkness

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Rosalie Pov

"Wake Up, I said WAKE UP" My ex boyfriend yelled and slapped me on the face. I opened my eyes and saw Hachirou looking at me with a satisfied look

"Man you look beat up, those guys did a number on you" He said

"And whose fault is that" I said angrily at him

"Mmhmm you do look cute in this weak state you are in" Hachirou said in a masculine voice

He then kissed me on the lips like a wild animal, his kiss was rough and forceful but I didn't return the kiss. I could tell he was getting angry as he closes our bodies together

"What's wrong?, don't you like my kisses anymore. You used to tell me I am quite the great kisser and you used to enjoy them back then" He said in a husky voice

"Like you said, I enjoyed them back in the days when I used to love you but now YOU DISCUST ME" I yelled

"Sharp tongue as ever I see"He said

My ex boyfriend pulled me back into another kiss but this time the kiss was deeper, he slid his tongue down my throat so as to meet mine. I wasn't strong enough to push him off and so I was still tight by the ropes so there was only one thing left to do. I bit his tongue, making him back off and he started bleeding.

"Why you" He said aggressively as he threw me against the wall and I collapsed flat with my face against the floor

"You are brave doing what you did but you won't get away with it that easily" He said as he sat down on my butt and slipped his hand under my shirt

Unknown Pov

'I should help them out. They may be troublesome but I can't let Rosalie get hurt' I thought

I typed on my computer, sending the information provided for the hacker that apparently is one of Rosalie's friend to find her. The information was sent

"Master, do you need something?" My maid asked

"Yes, I think it's time to contact them and this is the best time to make a move myself" I said

"Very well master, as you wish" The maid said and left

'Rosalie, wait for me. I will bring you back eventually, to the place you belong' I thought

Kaname Pov

"Hello Maya. You did?" Iori asked

I took his phone

"Maya I will put you on speaker. Tell us, what did you find?" I asked

"An unknown user just contacted my brother by a mail. It says that Roe was kidnapped by Hachirou and he is keeping her at Blue Guest Palace in Tokyo" She said

"But that house was abandoned many years ago, no one lives there anymore" Fuuto said

"You idiot, it's obvious he would take her there. That place is isolated and know one will suspect anything" Maya said on the phone to Fuuto

"Let's go" I said

I went up to my sports car. Masaomi, Fuuto, Tsubaki and me were headed to the place where Maya told us about while the others stayed home to contact the police and taking care of Ema

'I'm coming Rosalie, wait for me' I thought as I pressed the pedal to the metal, making the car go faster

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