Chapter 16: The Letters

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Rosalie Pov:

Ever since the day about my identity being reveiled, a lot of reporters and paparozzi where all trying to get me to answer their questions or taking pictures of me. And since my 'fake' identiy was discovered I decided to drop my desguise apperance and show the 'real' me. Everytime I get to school now a days all the students that didn't talk to me or even hate me all became friendly which I hate so much but on the other hand I knew that this day would had to come but to me, what was really important was that my brothers didn't hate me for not telling them before the day of the challange even though I did get a small lecture about not to lie anymore which was quite funnny as they where lectureing me but I knew thay are doing it because they cared about me. Lately I have been receiving letters at home, some of them where fan letters and love letters. I don't hate it but there was one letter I have been recieving every week that was bothering me and I couldn't help myself of getting scared

Right now I am in the leaving room thinking about these letters while all of my brothers and sister where also in the living room, some of them where doing homework, some where watching the television, some where helping in the kitchen and Kaname sitting on the couch doing nothing but staring at me. I know it sounds creepy but when he stares at me I feel safe knowing that he is watching over me. This wasn't the first time I caught him staring

"Rosalie is there something bothering you?" He asked while he sat close to me on the couch

"No nothing is wrong" I said trying to brush it off

"You should know by now that you can lie to me, I can easily see that something is bothering you" he said as if he can read me as an open book

"I can't hide anything from you can I. The truth is something is bothering me " I answered truthfully

"What is it nee-chan? " Ema asked while our brothers attention where on us

" all know about the letters I have been receiving" I said

"of course I am the one who I was delivering them to your room since you asked not to throw them away" Ukyo said

"Yeah and for that thanks. I have been reading the letters and every week a letter from the same writer is being delivered" I said

"Maybe they have a crush on you or something, that's why i don't read mine. It's a waste of time" Fuuto said

"But these letters are different...I'm scared that something bad is about to happen" I said with a scared and sad face and also now I hugging my knees 

I'm scared that something bad is about to happen" I said with a scared and sad face and also now I hugging my knees 

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"What does these letters say?" Masoami asked

"Here" I said and handed him the letters

Masaomi began reading them out load so everyone can hear

First letter

"Heyy love, you are looking as sexy as ever. I heard and also saw you reveling your identity. I have to say you are as hot as I remember and I can't wait to get my hands on you"

Second letter

"I see that you are getting scared by my letters, I have to say I'm quite enjoying that little scared face of yours. When I will have you I will make sure to have that scared face all to myself"

Third letter

"You look cute in that miniskirt you wore on the day you went out with those guys and the other girl but I bet you will be much more alluring if you where prostitute cloths don't you think.. I already prepared a little present for you to have"

Everyone was silent after hearing what the letters had to say

"Roe what do you want to do about this?" Masaomi asked

"I... " I said but was interrupted

"That's common for pop stars to have that kind of letters. They are usually rival letters so that you will back down being popular" Fuuto states

"I wish that could be it read this....I received it yesterday" I said and handed the letter to Masaomi and began reading it

Fourth letter

"My patients are running low, I get to see you but not touch you. I must say I am jealous of those boys you are hanging around with and that's why its time for me to act. You will see me soon and when that time comes I won't let you run away from me again. The game is on"

Everyone once again went silent. Ukyo got up from the couch and held his phone and by what I heard he called the police

"Roe, I know I should have asked you if you want to involve the police in this kind of thing but I though it would be best for your safety" Ukyo explained

"'s fine" I said

"They said that they will send some police to look after you and also I called our parents. They told me until they found out who the person is, it would be best to be home schooled" Ukyo continued to explain

I nod

"Don't worry Roe, we will keep you company if you get bored" Tsubaki said putting a hand around my shoulder

"That's right, if you need something just tell us okay" Hikaru said

"Yeah. If you need anything just ask, it's the least I could do after what you did for me" Fuuto said

"Thanks guys. I quite lucky to have such amazing and caring siblings" I said

All of us went into a group hug, of course me and my sister were crushed since we ended up being in the middle of the hug but hey I'm not complaining I feel safe being with everyone

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