Chapter 20: Adopted

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Ema Pov

I waked up in Roe's room remembering the event of last night. I went in my room and changed my clothes so that after helping Ukyo in the kitchen I will go pick up the family registration for me and my sister. As I was finished helping I headed out to the registration office

Rosalie Pov

"Morning" I said as I set down on a chair in the kitchen

"Good morning Roe"Ukyo said

"Good morning big sister" Wataru said

"How are by favorite little brother doing this morning?" I asked

"Good big sis" Wataru said

"I thought I was your favorite" Fuuto said

"Hahah sorry Fuuto but Wataru here is my favorite" I teased and hugged Wataru

"That's right, I'm big sis favorite" Wataru said proudly and hugged me

"Roe aren't you a bit red?" Masaomi asked

"What?" I said

"Here let me check" He said and put a hand on my forehead

"I think you have a slight fever. I will go get the medicine" He said

"Your not feeling good?" Tsubaki asked

"I think I am fine" I said

I saw Kaname making his way to the kitchen and there was something I had to do. Apologize

"Kaname" I said and he looked at me

"I'm s...." I said but my phone began to vibrate

I opened the phone and looked at the text message I had received. As soon as I read it I went pale.

"Rosalie are you okay? You are loosing color?" Kaname asked worriedly

I didn't answer, still shocked at the text I received. I put my phone on the table and headed for the main door

"Roe where are you going?" Fuuto asked

"You aren't feeling good right now, you need to rest" Kaname continued

"I have to go, I'm sorry.....just find my sister okay" I said and left running out of the house

I saw Fuuto and Tsubaki running, trying to catch up but I managed to loose them

'I can't believe it, I just can't. Why wouldn't he tell us? Is this because he always go on business trips and leave Ema and me alone at home' I though and started crying

'Why didn't he tell us that we were adopted and that me and Ema weren't sisters' I thought while bursting into more tears

As I was walking on a street where no people where not seen, I had a gut feeling that someone is following me. I texted Maya about it just to be safe and I continued walking ahead. As I turned the corner of the street I felt someone hitting my pressure point behind my head. I was weak and so I blacked out

Ema Pov

"Hi I am here to pick up my family registration that I asked for" I said

"Here you go dear" The clerk said

I took the papers and as I was going to head out of the office, something on the papers caught my attention

My Family Registration

Full Name: Ema Nagami

Birth Father: Kenji Nagami

Birth Mother: Yukie Nagami

Nationality: Japanese

Adopted: Foster Father – Rinatarou Hinata

Roe's Family Registration

Full Name: Rosalie Caroline Larisa Volkov BelleRose

Birth Father: Leo Kirill Volkov

Birth Mother: Cathrine Celine BelleRose

Nationality: Half Russian, Half French

Adopted: Foster Father – Rinatarou Hinata

"Excuse me I think there is some mistake here" I said as I handed her the papers and telling her where the 'mistake' was

"There is no mistake Miss Ema. You and your sister are adopted by Mr Hinata and you and your sister aren't blood sisters" The clerk said

"I see. Thanks" I said and walked out

'I am not my fathers daughter, than where are my real parents? Who are they? I am not even related to Roe also. I have to tell her like it or not but I can't tell her face to face' I thought

I grabbed my phone and snapped 2 pictures of the family registration, 1 of mine and 1 of hers and sent in to her.

'I can't go home right now. It's not even my home there' I though and ended up going to the park

Kaname Pov

"I have to go, I'm sorry.....just find my sister okay" Rosalie said and left running out of the house

Fuuto and Tsubaki went running after her but came back saying they had lost her as I headed to the table were she left her phone and went threw her text ad left me shocked

"Ukyo can you take a look at this" I said and handed him the phone

"What's wrong?" Masaomi asked

Ukyo handed the phone to Masaomi and he also seemed surprised

"Guys what is going on? Why are all three of you shocked and why did Roe ran out of the house?" Yuusuke asked

"Rosalie and Ema.." I said but I couldn't continue

"..aren't related" Masaomi continued my sentence

"And also Rinatarou is only their adoptive father" Ukyo added

Everyone fell into silent. Everyone was trying to process the new information about Rosalie and Ema which was something we never knew about. The silent was broken when Subaru's phone rang and he answered putting it on loudspeaker so everyone can here it

"I found Ema at the park, I will bring her their so don't worry. Is Roe there? Ema is asking for her?" Natsume asked

"She ran off" Tsubaki answered

"I see. We will look for her once I bring Ema home" Natsume said

"Is Ema alright?" Subaru asked worriedly

"I can't say but she definitely needs all of our support especially yours Subaru" Natsume said

'So Nastume figured out that Subaru likes Ema but right now I am worried about Rosalie. Where are you Rosalie? Where did you run of to' I thought worriedly

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