Chapter 6: More Introductions of the Family

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Rosalie Pov

Me and Wataru entered our home and headed to the living room. As I walked in I noticed two unfamiliar faces and the more I look at them, the more they seem to look alike exept for their hair color. As the two young men noticed me, the one with the white hair came running to me and began hugging me while I stood there frozen. I guess I was caught off guard by his reaction but he seems friendly enough.

"It's really nice to meet you sister. Hug" The white haired guy said while hugging me

"Tsubaki, you are bothering her" The black haired guy said after hitting him with a book on his head

"Azusa that hurts" The white haired guy said rubbing his head where the other guy had hit him

"I am sorry about him, he may be older than you but he has a mind of a kid. My name is Azura Asahina and that is my twin brother Tsubaki" Azura said while giving me a smile

"It's really nice to meet both of you, I hope you will look after me" I said giving them a smile

"Oyy Azura stop trying to get little sister's attention all to yourself" Tsubaki said looking at Azura and after he finished he turned to me

"Don't worry sis I will take care of you in any ways that you need even if it's at night I will come to your aid whatever it is" Tsubaki said giving a mischievous smile

"Eemm thanks" I said blushing and also impressed that he can keep cool after what he told me, that was embarrassing

"You guys stop bothering her. Anyways it's time for dinner. Wataru can you go get Ema and Yusuke so they could eat dinner with us" Ukyo said

"Sure thing big brother" Wataru said while running into the elevator

"You guys don't mind helping would you?" Ukyo asked the three of us

"Nope" We all said while laughing at each other

Me, Tsubaki and Azura helped set up the table, setting the cutlery in its place and other thing so that we could have a table set for use to have dinner. As we finished, we all heard Wataru, Ema and Yuusuke talking from up stairs

"Man I don't know what I did wrong, I just can't figure it out" Yuusuke said

"Don't worry Yusuke, how about after dinner we can take another look at your problem. I'm sure we can solve it" Ema said encouraging Yusuke

"Sure" Yusuke said with a little blush on his face

"Big sis big sis!!! you are going to love the surprise" Wataru said happily to Ema

"Wataru what are you talking about? You have been saying that since you came to get us. What do you mean? What surprise is it anyway?" Yuusuke said curious

"When we get to the living room you will see" Wataru said grabbing hold of Ema's and Yuusuke's hand and leading them to the living room

Since it may take to long for my sister and my brothers to come in the living room, Tsubaki insisted that we should sit down on the couch and talk which I accepted since it seems a good idea to get to know him better. As we were talking and joking around, the elevator opened revealing Emma, Wataru and Yuusuke. As they walked out, both Yuusuke and Ema stood there watching me and Tsubaki cracking up jokes until me and Tsubaki took a notice of their presence.

"Eee Tsubaki you got a girlfriend. Who would have thought" Yuusuke said sarcastically

"What's that's suppose to mean, I can get a girlfriend if I wanted to" Tsubaki said

"Yeah right, what do you think Ema?...Ema? " Yusuke said while turning to Ema who apparently was staring at me lost in thought until

"Roe, is that you? " Ema asked

"Bingo" I said to Ema giving her a thumbs up

As I told her that it was me, Ema came running to me giving me a hug. The brothers in the room where all happy to see this little scene except for Yuusuke who seems lost in what is going on in front of him

"Roe where have you been? I was worried about you, you didn't answer your phone when I called you and you stop sending me emails all of a sudden. I was worried about you" Ema said crying

"Hey Ema it's okay now. I'm here know and as you can see I am perfectly fine. I'm sorry I didn't call or texted you, I was quite busy that's all but I am happy to see that you still remember me after all these years" I said giving her a smile while wiping off her tears

"Of course I remember you, how can I ever forget about you. You are a part of me little sister" Ema said

"Sister??? " Yuusuke asked confused and also shocked

"Ohh Yuusuke I guess you don't know. Well let me introduce you. Yuusuke this is Rosalie my younger sister and my fraternal twin" Ema explained to Yuusuke

"Nice to meet you I hope we get along" Yuusuke told me

"Mhhmm same here" I told him giving him a smile

After I was introduced to Yuusuke, we had dinner and after all of us set in the living room talking about school and other things. As we were chatting, a young man with gray hair came in the living room white a bouquet of flowers which apparently where roses my favorite kind of flowers

"My name is Iori Asahina. It is really nice to meet you. These are for you" He said while walking towards me and giving me the flowers

"Nice to meet you my name is Rosalie Hinata. Thanks for the flowers they are beautiful" I said giving him a warm smile

"Iori-san how did you know Roe was here and that she liked roses?" Ema asked Iori

"I received a message from Tsubaki saying that we have a new sister, so as a welcoming gift I called mother and asked her what kind of flowers she would like but mother didn't know but your father told me she loved roses so I brought roses for her" Iori said while the others look a bit stunned while watching Iori talk so much since he was usually the quite person and doesn't talk much

"Thanks I really appreciate it and sorry for the trouble" I said

"There was no trouble at all, I am glad that you like them" Iori said

"Oyy Iori stop trying to get sister's attention by bringing her gifts" Tsubaki said a bit annoyed

'Woow jealous much I though while Iori said his goodbyes and headed to his room. 'I wonder why Tsubaki seems a bit annoyed. Maybe because he wanted a present for him as well or maybe he was jealous of Iori talking to me. Okay now I am way out of line here, why would he be jealous we're brother and sister for god sake.

As I was deep in thought, Ema snapped me out of it by telling me that we should call it a day since tomorrow is a school day and that I shouldn't be late for my first day of school. We said our goodbyes to the brothers and to each other and went into the room and fell asleep

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