Chapter 30: Unexpected

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(1 month later )

(Rosalie Pov)

Hey guys a lot of things happened over a month. Well lets begin with Fuuto and Serina. They both went to visit Dad so that Fuuto would be introduced as Serina's boyfriend. At first my father thaught it was a joke since there is a gape of age between the two of them. No he didn't get angry. Lets just say he was quite pleased that he was younger and as dad would say 'He is still innocent young man' which of course he isn't. Of course none of us told him that. Anyways, Subaru and Ema are still a couple and are still hidding there relationship from the brothers . Ohh and if you are wondering about me and Kaname well it is THE BEST. After that night we made love and confessed our feeling, we got closer. We go out often of course we lie to our brothers but hey I would do anything so that I could spent time with him. We still didn't tell my dads nor our brothers. It has become quite difficult nowadays since our brothers are getting more suspicious.

"Rosalie are you ready?" Kaname asked as he entered my room

"Almost, I still deciding what am I going to wear"

"Well for me you can just come naked but I wouldn't want otherss to look at you"


"Love you too" he said making a sad face

"Ohh I love you Kaname you know that"

"I know sooo would you give a kiss my lovely woman"

"Of course my lovable perv"

And we kissed

"Hey gu..." Fuuto yelled and entered my room

"No no continue what you were doing just not infront of me" Fuuto mocked us

"Way to ruin the moment little bro"

I giggled as Kaname backed away

"You guys should be more careful, what if someone else so you like this"

"It is a good thing it was you Fuuto"

"Yeah who wouldn't be, you are such a pain in the ass always snooping around"

"Have you forgot oooo dear big brother that I am keeping your secret relationship a secret"

"Don't get cocky woth me just because yours is in the air"

"Haha you are just jelious cause mine isn't a secret and yours is" Fuuto said adding fuel to the fire

I could see that Fuuto is trying to meass with Kaname but Kaname wasn't taking it lightly

"Okay Fuuto why don't you leave so I can get dressed and leave"

"Okay fine, Kaname you're coming?"

"Yeah Yeah right behind you"

They both exited my room and I got dressed and went to find Kaname

" Kaname, ready to go?"

"Where are you guys going?" Tsubaki asked

"I am going to carry her shopping bags while she shops" Kaname explained

"Well I guess I will join"

"You can't" Both me and Kaname shooted

All the brothers except Fuuuto, Subaru and Ema stared at us suspiciously

"And why is that? Why Kaname?" Tsubaki kept pressing on the question

"Because....emmm" I said but couldn't come out with anything

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