Chapter 3: The New Look

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Rosalie Pov

The day of my flight to take off came and I managed to get to Japan without any problems and without people finding out who I am. As I was going out of the airport to wait for one of the brothers that Miwa told me about, a lady around in her early twenties walked up to me

"You must be Rosalie Hinata correct? " She said smiling

'WHAT the reporters have already found out I left America. What am I going to do? Roe act normal' I thought worried but shook my thoughts so I would answer the lady as normal as I could sound

"Umm yes that's me but how do you know who I am... " I said while the lady spoke

"That's because I'm Hikaru Asahina one of your brothers, it's nice to finally meet you" She said

"Ohh I'm sorry I didn't know...It's a pleasure to meet you" I said bowing my head to show respect

"You don't need to be so formal you know, we are siblings after all" He said giving me a wink

'Oh my god that was close. So this is one of my brothers, I am guessing he is a transversity. Well he is not the first transvestite I had ever seen' I thought 

"Yes of course" I said smiling at my brother

"Well how about we go to my place and get you fixed up, my other brother should be waiting at my place right now" He said

I nod

"Okay" I said while walking next to my brother

We arrived to his car, loaded my luggage and hit the road. We talked along the road about different things and we managed to arrive safely at his house. We unloaded the luggage and headed to the door, we went in and saw a figure of a young man sleeping on the coach. Hikaru told me that he was the other brother Miwa mentioned and that we should let him sleep until Hikaru can show me the new clothes he bought for me.

"So do you like? I know that they aren't exactly your style since you like dress up more girlish than this..." He said looking at me

"No that's okay, I exactly like them. I used to wear clothes like this before I became a singer so I guess that's okay. Thank you" I said giving him a smile

"My pleasure, so what do you like to do beside singing sis?" He said looking at me

"Well I like dancing, drawing and also doing sports. I used to be in the basketball and football teams back in middle school, although I still practice sometimes" I said

"Basketball and football..mmhmm. Who would have thought that a famous person like you like that kind of sports, I mean I wasn't quite expecting that a famous person like you was into that kind of sports" He said making his point

"Well I guess it is kind of weird, I am quite good into other sports as well, it's just when I am playing basketball or football, I feel like I am into a different kind of world. I guess you think am weird" I said lowing my face

"No not at all, I guess it makes you different from other famous people. You will fit in quite well into the family" He said giving me a smile

"Well that's what I am hoping for" I said

We continued looking at the clothes Hikaru bought and also began packing them in my language so I could take them home with me. With help from Hikaru we managed to finish early when we heard footsteps walking near us revealing to be the young man that was sleeping on the coach earlier.

"Hi Roe-chan" He said giving me a hug

"Hi it's nice to meet you, you must be my brother Louis right? " I said

"Yes that's right, it's nice to meet you as well. My you sure have nice hair and quite the unique colour, I hope you will let me do your hair now and then" Louis said brushing my hair with his hand

"Sure" I said after giving a nod

"How about we start Roe's make over" Hikaru said

"Mhmm okay I will go get my things in here. Do you mind helping me Roe-chan? " Louis said calmly

"Sure thing" I said and began following him

We dragged all Louis things in the room where Hikaru was and began looking through the things. Louis bags was full of different things, I guess he really is a professional hairdresser.

"So Roe-chan have any ideas? " He said waiting for my opinion

"I was thinking of dying my hair to tell you the truth since there aren't many people with pink hair in Japan and I am sure they would recognizese me if I don't do something about it" I said

"Mhmm that's a great idea Roe-chan, I will just go and buy some hair dye colour" Louis said while getting up from the floor

"There is no need Louis, you can stay here with Rosalie and I will go fetch it" Hikaru said making his way through the door

"Oh no I can't let you do that, you both did so much I couldn't possibly let you do that" I said facing Hikaru and Louis

"Don't worry about it just let me pick out the color and let Louis do his work, it's no trouble at all you are our sister after all" Hikaru said giving me a smile and left

"So I guess I will go change clothes until he comes back" I said to Louis

"Mhmm...I will set all the things we need" He said

I gave him a nod and went to change my clothes. After Hikaru came with the hair dye and Louis started working on my hair while chatting with Hikaru. After two hours, Louis was finished. I looked at the mirror in my room and thought 'It sure looks great. He might took much time but he sure did a good job.

"So what do you think Roe-chan, do you like it? " Louis said

"Yes I like thanks a bunch, I can't thank you enough" I said happily while continuing looking into the mirror.

"Well you are not quite finished yet" Hikaru said putting his hand in my shoulder and turned me to look at him

I gave him a confused look which made Hikaru and Louis laugh

"I thought that you should wear these eye contacts that I bought earlier, even though you dye your hair your face structure is still the same so I thought it would be best to change your eye color as well" He said handing me the small box of eye contacts

"Eee that's a great idea thanks" I said putting the eye contacts in my eyes

"So how do I look" I said looking at my brothers

"You look great Rosalie, you are still cute" Hikaru said

"Yeah you sure are Roe-chan" Louis said

"Thanks" I said while I blushed a little

"So how about we make a little sleep-over between the three of us and tomorrow we will go to the house and meet the rest of the family" Hikaru said

"Mmmhmm that's a great idea" I said

Louise nod

We arranged all the things in their place and place three futons on the floor. We stayed talking till 2 a.m in the morning talking about each other that I guess helped by getting to know each other better and after we fell asleep

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