Chapter 5: Some introductions and meeting Kirito

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Rosalie Pov

We managed to find our way home thanks to Juli's guidance and entered the living home that was connected to the kitchen finding a blond guy with blue eyes and glasses. As the guy noticed me he approached me

"Hi you must be Rosalie. My name is Ukyo Asahina, I am the second son" He said

"It's really nice to meet you" I said while setting Juli in the floor

"My mother called and told me all about you moving in with us, if you need anything please don't hesitate to ask" Ukyo said giving me a smile

"Mhmm thanks" I said

Me and Ukyo heard the door unlock to find a small boy and a young man walking into the kitchen, stopping as they saw me.

"Hi" I said giving them a little wave

"Hi" said the boy and the man

"Guys this is Rosalie Hinata, she is Rinatarou's daughter and Ema's younger sister, also our sister" Ukyo explained

"Big brother did you hear that, I have another nee-san. Isn't that great?" The young boy said jumping up and down with joy

"Yes it is. It's nice to meet you my name is Masaomi Asahina, I'm the eldest son of the family. Wataru introduce yourself" The young man said turning to the young boy

"My name is Wataru Asahina, I'm the thirteenth son and also the youngest" The young boy said

"It's nice to meet you both, as you know my name is Rosalie. Please take care of me" I said giving them a half bow

"Hey Onee-san can you take me to the park at 5, big brother has to go back to work and the others might be busy" Wataru said giving me puppy dog eyes

"Sure, I will take you and while we are at it, how about we go for ice-cream as well" I said

"Yeey big sister is fun, I'm going out with big sister!!!!" Wataru said jumping and running around the house

"Are you sure about that? If you don't want to you can always say so" Masaomi said

"No it's fine really, I can get to know him better and also I really like kids" I said giving Masaomi a smile

"Okay then, here is my number if something happens or you want something contact me okay?" Masaomi said while taking off

"Thanks big bro" I said waving goodbye at him

After Masaomi left, I sat next to Wataru watching and helping him do his homework. The clock striked 5 and as promised me and my new little brother went to get an ice-cream each and after went to the park so Wataru can play with kids his age. As I set on the bench and kept an eye on my brother that was playing, a hot young boy near my age come to me

"Hi, I haven't see you around here before. Are you new in town?" The boy said

"Yes I am. My name is Rosalie Hinata" I said introducing myself

"Kirito Sakura" Kirito said giving me a friendly handshake

"So you know Wataru or maybe you like coming to the park? " Kirito said teasing me

"Ha ha maybe both. I am Wataru older sister, my father married his mother and so we are step siblings. And to continue answering your question I kind of like the park, even though I am old for this kind of stuff I sort of like having fun and act like a child sometimes" I said giving him a smile

"I see, you really are something else. You sure are different from other girls around here" Kirito said

"Really" I said sadly

"I mean it is a good different, Usually all the girls here act like bitches. Man they are so irritating" he said as he saw me sad

"Haha I know I am just teasing you. I don't care if I am different, I guess that makes me unique and about the bitches, I guess you find them all over the world" I said bringing back my full smile

"I guess" He said as he start laughing with me as we looked at Wataru and another boy around his age named Dai Sakura who apparently is Kirito's younger brother

As we continued talking, I found out that Kirito goes to school where my sister and brothers goes, so I guess I will see him around since I will be attending the same school. After an hour later, Wataru came to me and told me he was hungry and that we should go since dinner should be ready soon. I said my goodbyes to the two boys and made my way to my new house with Wataru holding my hand. Shortly we arrived at the door and before entering

"So little brother did you have fun? " I asked

"Yess it was really fun. Did you have fun big sis? " He asked

"Hmm it was great" I answered

"We should do it again sometime" Wataru suggested

"Yeah we should" I said as I opened the door

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