Chapter 24: Friend meet Friend/Brothers

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Serina Pov

It's been two weeks since Roe started modeling with me. We get along really well and I know she will with brother as well. She started open up to me telling me about her siblings and about her being adoptive which to me wasn't a surprise at all. She seemed sad and looked she can easily break when she talked about it. I knew for a fact that she was depressed but I tried to cheer her up and in the mean time getting to know her a bit better. Right now we are on the couch watching tv

"Hey Roe, you said you lived here before right?" I asked

"Yeah" She asked

"So that means you have friends?" I continued asking her

"Yeah, why are you asking me?" She asked curios

"I want to meet your friends or maybe your best friend" I said

"Why?" She asked a bit of worry on her face

"I want to get to know you better" I answered

"Didn't I tell you a lot about me already and I don't even know much about you" She said

"Well if you let me meet one of your friends, I will tell you about me" I said

"Okay.." She said sadly

"Hey Roe are you alright you seem...." I said but she interrupted

"..sad I know. It's just ever since I left Japan I haven't talked to Maya ever since, also I ignored all her phone calls. She must be mad at me right know" She said worriedly

"I'm sure that's not the case. She is your best friend, she can never hate you" I said trying to encourage her

She got up from the couch, brought her purse and headed for the door

"You comin or you don't want to meet her?" She asked

"Comin" I said as I jumped cheerfully of the couch and headed out with Roe

Maya Pov

It's been four weeks since Roe left her home. I was quite worried about her, she didn't answer my calls.

"Hey Baka, what's for breakfast?" The most annoying voice asked

"Fuuto you shouldn't talk to her like that, after she is letting us stay here" A gentle and calm voice said

"Well I feel like crap, my back is killing me. But look at you Iori, you are in perfect condition since you are her boyfriend and all and that's not all. WHY THE HELL DO I HAVE TO SLEEP ON A COUCH WHILE YOU GET THE BED" Fuuto complained

You must be wondering why and how these two brothers are doing in my apartment, it's quite simple actually. Three weeks ago they came to me saying that they are here to search for Roe and they need my help since I am familiar with the place. They didn't have any place to live in so I let them crash in, Fuuto taking the couch and Iori sleeping with me in the same bed. Also about a week ago me and Iori became official boyfriend and girlfriend which I still can't believe it happened, I HAVE THE BEST BOYFRIEND IN THE WORLD

"Because you are annoying and I wouldn't let you sleep with me idiot" I said joining the conversation

"Who said I wanted to sleep with you. You just could have gave me and Iori the bed the bed while you take the couch" Fuuto said

"No way I will give my bed to the likes of you" I yelled

"Guys I thi... " Iori said but was cut off

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