Chapter 19: The Date and Sister Bonding

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Kirito Pov

As I was taking the lead on our date, I couldn't help but notice that Roe seems to be in thought

"Hey Roe want some ice cream?" I asked

"Yeah sure" She said

I bought both of us ice creams and sat on a bench talking

"Where do you want to go next? Shopping?" I asked

"How about a movie?" She asked

'Yep she is diffrent from other girls' I though

"Once we finish, we will go" I said and started licking the ice cream

"Hey Kirito, where's Diasuke?" She asked

"He's at a school trip at a hotel same as Wataru" I said

"Ohh yeah I forgot" She whispered

I was concerned about her, she isn't acting her cheerful self today. We went to the movies and also headed to a gaming store where we played different games. I have to say I had fun doing so with Roe but people were staring at us like we were insane since they were met for little kids. It was already late and night was setting so I took Roe to a greenery view.

"It's beautiful" She said

"You are more beautiful though" I said

"Thanks" She said with a little blush

I came close to Roe and our bodies were touching

"Roe" I said

Roe lifted her face to see a clear view of my face and then I took my chance and kissed her 

Roe lifted her face to see a clear view of my face and then I took my chance and kissed her 

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 but for some reason she didn't kiss back

"Roe what's wrong?" I asked

"I can't, I'm sorry" She said

"What are you saying?" I asked

"I only see you as a best friend Kirito and nothing else, I already love...." She said and started to cry

"Roe I will make you forget about him so please be my girlfriend" I said and hugged her

"I .....can't" She said and pulled from the hug

Her eyes were red from the crying and I couldn't do anything to stop her

'She really did fall for him hard' I thought

"I have to go.....I'm sorry Kirito" She said and ran off

"Roe Wait" I yelled

Rosalie Pov

"Roe Wait" Kirito yelled

'No I won't wait. I need to go home' I though as I was running for my home

I arrived home and went running for my room. I didn't reply to my siblings concerns and went straight in my room and continued crying up

Ema Pov

We all were waiting for Roe to come home from her date with Kirito, I can see how much Kaname, Tsubaki and Fuuto are worried about her. As everyone was silent I felt someone looking at me and he was none other than Subaru. I still haven't given him an answer. I was still worried how the others will react if me and Subaru go out together. We heard the door open and closes with a big force and there I saw Roe. Her eyes were red and she was crying and went running upstairs

"Rosalie wait" Kaname said

"What happened?"Tsubaki asked

"He didn't hurt you did he?" Fuuto asked

But none of them got their question answered

"I will go talk to her" I said and went upstairs

"Roe please open the door" I said

"It'" She said sobbing meaning she is still crying

I entered her room to find her on her bed crying her eyes out

"Roe I know Maya would be the best option right now to handle this but she went back to America so please tell me what's bothering you. I need to know what is making my little sister sad" I said

"It's nothing nee-san" She said

"Sis please tell me, I know we aren't as close as we used to be back when we were kids but I still love you" I said and hugged her

"I love you too sis" She said and hugged me

"Did he do something to you?" I asked

"No, he only kissed me. I didn't feel right. Back when I was in America it was common for me to go out with guys like Kirito but now.....I don't know" She said

"Is it one of our brothers?" I asked

"How did you...."She asked but I continued talking

"I also fell in love with one of the brothers" I admitted to her

"You did? Who?" She said as she stopped crying

"It's..."I said but she spoke

"Subaru right" She said

"Yeah" I said

"I knew it. I never though you would admit it though" She said

"Which one did you fell in love for?" I asked

"You don't know?"She asked

"Well I though you fell in love with Kaname or Fuuto or maybe even Tsubaki I guess but I don't know which one" I said

"It's Kaname" She admitted

"He was worried about you back there" I said

"He hates me, after the words I said to him that they I don't think he even want to look at me" She said

I shook my head as to say no

"He doesn't hate you Roe. If he did he wouldn't worry about you and wait for you to return. He even called work saying he couldn't go at all cost" I said

"I...." She said but I interrupted

"Roe me and the brothers agreed to go on vacation to go on a beach holiday in another country, you are coming right?" I asked

"Sure why not" She said

"Great. Tomorrow I will be picking up the family register certificate for our passport so don't worry" I said

"Thanks sis you are the best" She said

We both fell asleep on Rosalie's bed still hugging each other

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