Chapter 21: Kidnapped

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Ema Pov

Natsume brought me home where I found all my brothers waiting. We all set in the living room and there was nothing but silent

'It is kind of awkward in this situation but where is Roe?' I thought

"Where's Roe?" I asked in a low voice

Everyone except Iori who left when his phone rang so that he could take the call looked at each other as if they didn't know who will answer my question

"You need to tell me where Roe is. I'm worried about her, she must be alone crying right now. She........ suffered more than I have in life and I can't let that happen to her again...........I can't let her shut herself again" I said crying

Iori came running in the living room

"We have a problem. Rosalie is in danger" Iori said

"WHAT!!!" Everyone said

"Maya received a text from Rosalie 2 hours ago saying that someone might have been following her and if she won't call her back in 2 hours something must have gone wrong. It's already been 2 hours and she didn't call Maya" He explained

"We need help, we need to call the police" Tsubaki said

We called the police and gave them the information needed that can help find our sister

Rosalie Pov


I opened my eyes and found myself into darkness roped on a wall, the ropes where holding both my hands and both my legs, not allowing me to move

'What happened to me? Oh yeah someone kicked my pressure point and I blacked out. Who would have done something like this? Is it the guy who have been sending the letters?' I thought worriedly

I began to struggle, trying to free myself from the ropes

"She's wake boss" Someone said

"She's hot that's for sure, you have quite the taste of women" Another one said

"That's my love alright. So you have awaken my sleeping beauty" Someone said which apparently was the boss of this group of men

The light went on and I saw the faces of my capture

'No It can't be, Why him?' I thought

"So are you happy to see me again my love?" The boss said

"Hachirou why?" I asked

"I told you you can't get rid of me that easily, I just want to get what I always wanted from you" My ex boyfriend said

"We broke up can't you just accept that. I was one of the women you dated, why are you coming after me. I never did something to you that made you have such a grudge against me" I said and started crying

"You know what I want and this time I will get it. Your friends aren't here to save you this time so know one can interrupt us" He said

"Do you think I will let you get away with this, NO WAY IN HELL" I yelled

"Is that so. You know Roe, you became weak since the last time I saw you. Admit it that family of yours made you weak ohh wait they are not your family are they" Hachirou said

"How did you...." I said

"I looked you up of course. You may have fooled the others thinking you were Japanese but I am much more smarter than anyone" He said

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