Chapter 12: The Match

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The last couple of week where quit intense. This is because a game today is being set against another team from Kakeru Academy, a high school for rich kids. Apparently our team loses to them every year and that is why Leo and Loke had been training us hard so we could beat them. Non of my siblings knew about this match until Yuusuke told the brothers about the match and decied to go watch

'How am I suppose to tell them that I am in the football club and that I am playing today' I thought while eating breakfast

"Roe you are coming right?" Yuusuke asked

"Nope" I answered

"WHAT you have to come, it is going to be a great match" Yuusuke said

"Nee-san your not coming, I thought I was going to watch the match with you" Wataru said in a sad voice

"I am sorry little brother but there is somewhere I have to go but I promise I will make it up to you, so I want you to tell me what ever you want as to say I am sorry" I said

"Okay nee-san" Wataru said giving me a smile

"So where are you going?" Fuuto asked

"Non of your business" I said

"Roe that is not fair. How come you call Wataru little brother and you don't call me big brother" Tsubaki said

"I guess it never came to mind" I told him

"You are so mean call me big brother now" Tsubaki said in a childish voice

"Fair enough" I said while all the brothers watched me

'Mhmm if I can pull this off, I could avoid all questions about the game and where I was going' I thought while getting ready for my little acting scene

"Onee-san please don't leave me, I don't want you to leave. If you leave........ I will be alone and I won't have anyone with me at night. Please onee-san stay.... so you will keep me company tonight. You promised you will keep me company every night in my room.......onee-san don't leave me" I said with a childish voice and my eyes tearing up

"WHAT!!!" All the brothers said excluding Tsubaki, Kaname and Iori

"Baka, what is Roe talking about?" Fuuto asked angrily

"What does she mean by in her room Tsubaki?" Yuusuke asked angrily but not as Fuuto

"You shouldn't do something like that" Subaru said

"What were you thinking?" Natsume asked

"Tsubaki you may thing that it is the right thing to do but it isn't" Masaomi scolded Tsubaki

"Masaomi is right. You can't go to Roe's room again especially when you are alone" Continued Ukyo

"Tsubaki-san, girls need their privacy" Louis said calmly

"Mmhmm so Tsubaki, I see you lost your control on yourself" Hikaru said while making me and Ema confused since we didn't understand what Hikaru said

"You didn't do anything to Roe did you?" Azusa asked

"Well ...emm.. " Tsubaki said making the brothers suspicious

"I know I know I want nee-san to sleep with me tonight" Wataru said while I gave him a thumbs up

The brothers where talking to Tsubaki and Wataru, so I made my way out exiting the house and went running to school. I arrived, made my way to the field and started dressing up in my football gear. Before the match we made some training and the match was beginning any time now. I went to check on the crowd and so my brothers and sister looking at the field, watching the players on the field. I went on the bench next to Kirito and watched the match. The first have was finished and the scores where 2 to 3 us being 2 and the other team 3. Leo came to me and Kirito and told us that we are going to play the second half of the game. Kirito made his way to the field with the other members and I followed

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