Chapter 28 : In 4 Months

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(Rosalie POV)

It's been 4 months since I came back. All my siblings where happy to see me although I have had a talk with Ukyo and Masaomi about running away. They made me stay at home as a 'punishment' although I wouldn't call it that since I played video games Natsume gave me but hey I am not arguing, it was an easy punishment than I thought as I expected a more but hey I didn't push my luck and shut my mouth. I mean who would blab on and on about to give a more longer or another punishment, not me :p. Things where going the way they used to. My adoptive father came 5 days after I came home and spent the day telling him about my biological family and what I did when I ran away. I convinced my dad to change my identification documents and now I am officially Rosalie Caroline Larisa Hinata Volkov BelleRose. Pretty long name haa by t hey I am actually proud of it. Basically what happened these few months were going on family outings with all the siblings visited my biological family, Serina told Fuuto that she is my sister but that didn't affect their relationship making them a happy couple, I mostly covered up for Ema and Subaru when they had dates. They are the cutest couple ever, the way they both blush when I tease them. And as for me well let's just say my brothers kept me company and never let me out of their sight like as if I would run away again which to make it clear I don't want to do, running away from my problems. I didn't get the chance to tell Kaname how I feel since my brothers are following me like some lost puppy which means not having some privacy between me and Kaname and he these days was busy with work and didn't get to see him often. Sometimes I even wonder if he is doing it on purpose as when I see him, he only say small talk like "dinner is ready" "Neko wants to play" you get what I mean, its torcher :(. 

That's why I'm gonna do it tomorrow and I'm not turning back.

(Story if it is a short chapter but I promise the others won't)

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