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Name: Saito Baster

Age: 18

Likes: Football, Girls, Rosalie, Gets what he wants, Looking down on people, Fisty girls

Dislikes: Giving up, Loosing, Leo and Loke

Attends: Kakeru Academy

Bio: Saito comes from a rich family and also attends to a rich school. He lives in Japan while his parents live in Italy. He is an only child and he is spoiled, wanting to get whatever that looks interesting. Saito is the team captain of the Kakeru football club. Saito always looked down at people and thinks that all he has to do is buy everything including his friends with money so he can gets what he wants but that changed when Rosalie confronted him and showed him that he can't have or get everything he wants even if he has money. Saito admire Rosalie and also seems to develop a crush on her

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