Chapter 13: The God Shrine Event

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Kaname Pov


I was in a field full of red rose flowers alone until I spotted someone. There she was smelling the roses that were in front of her, her long hair spread when wind made contact. Her eyes for some reason were blue, as clear as sky as if with one look the unseeable can be seen. She walked toward me wrapping her arms around my neck, leaning on me and kissing me on the lips which I returned

"Rosalie" I said while breaking the kiss

She put a finger on my lips and smiled

"Kaname" She said, mouthed three words and kissed me again

I just stood their, my mind repeating the three words she said 'I love you'. It took me a second to stop thinking and look at was in front of me which was Rosalie. I wrapped my arms around her waist and returned them kiss

"Rosalie I love you" I said and continued kissing her until she dissapeared from infront of me

"Rosalie where are you?" I asked looking around to see if she was around

"I'm here Kaname" She said

When I turned to where the voice came from, I saw Rosalie in Iori's arms

"Iori " I said

"Hey big brother" Iori said

"Why is Rosalie... " I said while Iori interupted me

" my arms. That's because I am a better man for her, I can give her the love she needs" He said

"What's that suppost to mean, I can give her the love she needs as well" I said a bit angry

"No you can't, you just want to sleep with her like you always do with all women just for fun" Iori said

"No I don't, I will never do that to her" I said

"You are too late now, she loves me and only me" He said while he began to dissapear with Rosalie with him

"Rosalie if you love me please say it" I said while my eyes start to tear

"Kaname I.... " She said and white light was all I saw

(End of Dream)

I found myself on the floor. When I came to I could fell tears in my eyes. I got up and got ready for work and headed out of the room and instead I went to the door that leads outside home, he found himself standing in front of Rosalie room. I turned the knob of her room and entered

'She left the door unlocked again' I thought while making my way to her sleeping figure

I brushed her hair away from her face and smiled

'She looks peaceful, I wonder what she is dreaming about' I thought continued brushing her hair

I bend on the bed, my lips near her ear and whispered

"I love you Rosalie"

I kissed her on the cheek and exited her room, making my way out of the house and went to work

'This is going to be a long day' I thought

Rosalie Pov

I woke up in the morning and headed downstairs to help Ukyo prepare breakfast for the siblings. When all of them woke up they had their breakfast and as always they were noisy. They talked and laughed until Ukyo spoke up

"I was thinking, how about we go out all together tonight since non of you have nothing to do?" Ukyo asked

"Where to Ukyo?" Ema asked

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