Chapter 31: Heart to Heart Confession

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"Darling that is enough" My biological mother yelled leaving all of us surprised

"But.." Dad tried to explain

Mum walked up to me and Kaname

"Do you really love her young man?" She asked

"Of course I do, I love her so much. She's beautiful, smart, a tease, loyal and I most of all I want to spend the rest of my life with her because I know that she she will accept me as who I am and I as her. I wouldn't change a think about her" Kaname responded with lovable voice as her looked at me

"Rosalie what about you dear?" She asked

"I really love him mum. I kind of loved him before we even started dating a month ago. I always feel safe when I am with him and also I don't regret having sex with him. I know that he loves me and he will do anything for me as I would do for him. Mum I also want to spend my life with him and be a family with him. I know there is a huge gape between us but age is just a number anyway, what matters are the feeling we feel for each other." I said looking at my mum

I turned to William

"William I am sorry but I can't marry you. If I did I would be selfish to even consider it, yes I could just marry you and meet Kaname in secret but I don't want to be unfateful to you."

Then turned to the rest

"Guys I love you, you are the best family I could ever have. I know you might be against it but I have to follow my heart and my heart tells me that I want Kaname"

My adoptive father and mother were the first that approved

Then all of my brothers and sister approved

"Dad?" I said looking for his approval

He and William walked away leaving me disappointed

"I will talk to him" Mum said

Then silent fall

"Soo when is the wedding?" Fuuto asked

Then that is when all of the people present burst out laughing. I laughed as well but deep down I was hurt, hurt that my father didn't approved

"Hey don't worry we will convince him" Kaname whispered in my ear

I nod and we kissed

"Heyyy no PDA" Yuusuke yelled

And we all bursted laughing

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