Chapter 11: The Accidental Kiss & The Non Accidental Kiss

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I was walking with Ema and Yuusuke at school to the train station for another day at school when a motorcycle stopped near us. The driver removed the helmet reveiling to be Kirito

"Hey Kirito, I didn't know you know how to ride a motorcycle" I said

"Yeah I just got my licence yesterday. Roe can you come with me, I need your help" He asked

"Okay, lead the way" I said

"WAIT you are going with him, you don't even know where he will be taking you. For all we know you could take her to an isolated palce and beat her up or worse" Yuusuke said

"Yuusuke-kun he is a friend of nee-chan, I don't think he will do anything to her will you?" Ema asked Kirito

"I just want her help for something" Kirito replaid

"Okay then nee-chan I will see you at school" Ema told me

I got on the motorcycle and Kirito gave me a helmet to wear. He started the motorcycle ready to go but before he said something that made Yuusuke burst into anger and Ema confused

"She won't make it at school today so bye now, I will take care of her from here" Kirito said when he put the metal to the pedal and drove

We heard Yuusuke yell at Kirito and we both burst into laughter. Kirito told me that his brother, Dia is sick and asked for Roe. They arrived and went inside Kirito's house and made their way to Dia's room. There he was laying into bed, waiting for us to arrive

"Onee-san, Roe-san you came" Dia said

"Of course I came, now lets see what is wrong with you" I said

Kirito lifted Dia so he can stand half up while I put my hand on his head and one on mine

"Dia you have a fever. It's not much high so you can feel better in no time. Kirito I need you to go buy this medicine that I am writing from the pharmacy" I said when writing the needs and handed it to Kirito

"I will look after your brother so don't worry. Do you have ingredients to make soup, he will need that" I said

"I will go buy some once I done after going to the pharmacy" Kirito said taking the list and went shopping

I went to the bathroom and watered a cloth, I put the cloth on Dia's forehead and talked to him. He talked about how he likes to play especially when playing with Wataru and also about his brother which most of if I didn't know. Kirito came back, I took the medicine and made Dia take it which was much easier than when Wataru got sick two days ago since he didn't want to take the medicine. I walked to the kitchen, and with the ingredients Kirito bought I made Dia a chicken soup which is suppost to help him get over his fever. As I had finished, Kirito went and picked up Dia from his room and took him to the kitchen table so he could eat. I began feeding Dia while Kirito watched. Dia had finished eating and all of us sat on the floor talking

"Thanks for coming, I really had fun" Dia said

"Sure no problem, but be sure to rest so you won't get sick again. Well I will go clean up while you go rest" I said

Kirito than raised a bit, him being on both knees stopping me from getting up

"You have done enough, I can't let you clean up as well"Kirito said

"I don't mind" I said

We both kept staring into each others eyes until Dia got up and pushed Kirito on purpious. Kirito and I were now flat on the floor, with Kirito on top of me and our lips touching ( Both of us had our faces turn red and we kept on kissing until Dia spoke up

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