Chapter 23: Back to America and getting a Room Mate

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Rosalie Pov

"Hey Roe your ready? We still have to change into five more different outfits" Serina yelled when walking in the changing area

"Almost, I just can't get the tie right" I said while trying to arrange the tie which was part of the outfit

'Seriously why do girls have to wear ties in the first place' I thought while struggling to do the tie right

"You are hopeless you know that.... Here let me help" She said as she began arranging the tie

"Thanks" I said

"No prob, it is quite handy sometimes having a brother I guess" Serina said

"And why is that ?"I asked curious

"Well my brother doesn't like to get dressed up in fancy clothes so whenever we go to a gathering with the family I am always the one to help him do his tie. Also having siblings is a good thing, being surrounded by other people that care about you is nice than being alone don't you think?" She asked

The smile I was trying to keep on my face fell. I felt an empty space in my heart, as if I had lost the most important things in life, no not things....but people I care brothers....Emma....and... Kaname

'I thought once I left I wouldn't feel this way but I guess I was wrong.....why do I always end up being alone....why' I thought while shading a tear

"Hey Roe...Roe" Serina said as she snapped me back into reality

"Mmmhmm what??" I asked

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that, you told me about your situation you have with your siblings and I just started blabbing up about siblings and stuff. I am so sorry" She apologized with a worried face

"It's fine..just because my relationship with my siblings didn't end well doesn't mean that others relationships are as bad as mine" I said in a low voice with a sad expression on my face

"Hey Roe I already told you before let me be your sister, I now I can't replace your real sister but I will be there for you so don't worry, you aren't alone anymore" She reassured me as she hugged me

"Thanks Ser" I said while returning the hug

"Anything for you sister" She said

She giggled and I started laughing with her, making the stuff persons thing we are crazy.

I won't forget how I met Serina for the fist time. It's quite a funny story, we just kept bumping into each other

(Flash back – 2 Weeks ago)

"We're here Neko" I said


"We just need to catch the next flight to America" I continued


"What's wrong Neko?" I asked as Neko began to move and not standing still as he usually do when she is always on my arms

"Neko WAIT!!" I yelled worriedly as Neko had run off

I followed Neko. She kept running in every store there was in the airport but she finally stopped when she entered a clothing shop. I couldn't spot Neko since she was small so I had to circle around the shop to try and find her. As I circled the all shop I heard a faint meow coming from under the clerks desk. I bent to find Neko with a small cute little purse 

 I bent to find Neko with a small cute little purse 

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