Chapter 27: I'm Back

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Ema Pov

(3 hours ago)

It was a normal day like the usual, going to school. Time passed and it was already break time so I went to meet up with Subaru like the last 3 weeks since we both decided to tell each others feelings making us a couple, although we haven't told the other brothers yet. Subaru came to view and gave me a peck on the lips and after went to a garden that is located near school. You can say it is our secret place where we could act as a couple. We set there eating and kissing once in a while until my phone rang

''Hello'' I answered

''Hello Ema it's Roe'' The other voice from the line said

''Roe, ooo my god are you okay? Where are you? Are you eating? Are you sleeping?...'' I said panicking

''Yes,Tokyo,Yes and Yes now please calm down'' She said

''Sorry I just...I missed you so much'' I said sobbing

''I missed you too big sis. Please don't cry'' She said

''I can' it. You didn't answer your phone or replied. I got worried'' I explained

''Well I just needed some time one-san forgive me for running away and making you worry'' She said

''As long you are okay, it's fine I forgive you. Roe where are you?''I asked

''Japan'' She answered

''Your here. How long have you been here? I want to see you''I demanded

''I just got here 3 hours ago and I have to wait for another hour for my special delivery. You are at school right, how about I will pick you up and go home together'' She said

''Yeah sure but um....can Subaru come?''I asked

''No problem by me. So you two decided to get together huu?'' She said

''Yeah but we haven't told the others yet Roe''Subaru replied as he made it on load speaker

''Your secret is safe with me guys, she you at 3 then bye bye''She said

''Bye'' Me and Subaru said

''So she decided to come back?'' Subaru asked

''Yeah that's good. I mean it isn't the same without her'' I said

''Tell me about it especially when it comes to Tsubaki, Kaname and Fuuto, although Fuuto now has his 'imaginary older girlfriend' so it comes to those two" He said

"You think Fuuto is lying about having a girlfriend?"I asked

"I don't think he is a dating kind of guy" Subaru said making a point

"Well I never thought I will confess my feeling to you but here we are" I said

"You're right" Subaru said smiling down on me

"I better go class is gonna start any minute now" I said getting up from the bench

"See you later then" He said as he got up and gave me a passionate kiss which I returned

( End of 3 hours ago )

"Subaru over here" I yelled as I saw Subaru looking for me

"This is were we are going to meet?" He asked

"Yepp" I said cheerfully and smiling

"You seem in a cheerful mood right now" He said

"Of course, I got to see my sister" She said

She sent me a loving smile and I leaned down and kissed her on the lips

"Okay no PDA at school, haven't they told you before" I blushed

I looked to were the voice was coming from. And there I saw my little sister leaning against an expensive sports car while looking at me and Subaru. I ran up to her and hugged her tight. She hugged as well and then gave Subaru a hug as well

"Okay get in the car, I want a full detailed story about how you two got together and don't leave a single detail out" She said

"This is your car?" Subaru said amazed at the car

"I will explain once we get home but now get you asses in the car and start sharing your tale" She said

Subaru Pov

We climbed on Roe's car and she drove making our way home

"So..." She said

"Okay fine we will tell you, this is how it happened" I said as me and Ema began talking

( 2 weeks after Roe run away from home )

For 2 weeks Ema shut herself to her room and had cried her eyes out, I couldn't do anything but I wanted to comfort her so that they I went to her room

"Ema are you okay?" I said as I entered locking the door behind me seeing Ema laying down on the bed with her face facing the bed

"Ema" I repeated and then she looked up to me

"Subaru" She whispered while tears began to form on her eyes

"Hey Ema it's okay, I am here for you. I always am" I said as I sat on the bed and embraced her

"I can't....." She began talking

"You can't what?" I asked

"I can't let this happen again...I just can't" She continued talking

I was taken back by the words she just said

'She doesn't want me to see her or embrace her does she' I thought

I got up and started walking to the door until she stopped me

"Subaru please don't leave" She said

"But you don't want me here" I responded

"Of course I want you here......what I was referring to was... that....Subaru I can't loose you too....I love you" She whispered

'She loves me, she really does love me' I thought

I walked up to her and kissed her with passion and she kissed back more than once

"Ema will you be my girlfriend?" I asked

"Yess but let's keep it from the others ok. I don't think they can handle much more" She said

"Of course. Ema when ever you are ready we will tell them, I will always be by your side" I said

We kissed a couple more

( End of 2 weeks after Rosalie run away from home )

"And that's it" I said

"WOW, you guys should definitely cast for the sop opera, you guys would be chosen for sure" Roe said sarcastically

"Roe" Ema yelled at the sarcasm that Roe just said

"Haha okay sorry. I am happy for you guys. I always kind of figured you two would end up together some day" She said

"Thanks I guess" I said

"Now now don't think it's going to be a walk in the park. First you better not break my sisters heart or you will be sorry and second good luck telling the others" She stated

"I would never do that" I rebelled

"Good" She replied

Roe parked her expensive car. As I unlocked the door, she went running in yelling

"I'M BACK" She yelled at the top of her lungs

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