Chapter 8: A little Disagreement

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Rosalie Pov

It was Friday morning, the last day of school for the week and I was quitely sleeping until I felt a warmth on my right cheek. At first I though that it was the sun shinning from my room's window when I felt something brushing my hair away from my face

"Mmhhmm" I said sleepy and after I heard a little laugh

"You know are quite cute sleeping as well but you shouldn't stay into that position or even make those noises, it will attract more guys to you" A low but also a seducive voice said

'Cute ha, its been a while since I heard those words. Last I heard it was from my ex-boyfriend" I though still sleeping on the bed but then I realized that I shouldn't think about that but about the voice in my room and what is someone doing in my room

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ???" I said while getting up finding Kaname sitting on the edge of my bed staring at me

"I just came to see you of course, I did promise you that I will see you and since I had to work at night I came to see you now" Kaname said smiling at me

"Couldn't you just wait till breakfast time to see me and not barging into my room" I said a bit annoyed from being waken up

"It is breakfast time and also I wanted to see you alone. If I waited for you downstairs I couldn't do this" Kaname said walking towards me

"What are you talking about?" I said while in the mean time I found out what he meant

'HE'S KISSING ME ON THE CHEEK AGAIN. WHAT IS HE THINKING. Is it a sister brother greeting in the morning?' I though while on my face began to form a small blush

"See you later little sister" Kaname said and left my room

I got up since I knew I wouldn't sleep now and went to the kitchen, helping Ukyo making breakfast and talking to pass time. The others came in the kitchen, ate breakfast and we headed to our destination, SCHOOL and by we I mean me, Yuusuke and Ema since Fuuto said and I quote "I'm to cool to ride a train, I will just come in my limo". 'Jess he really is full of himself' I thought. We arrived at school and we separated, Ema and Yuusuke made their way to their classroom while I made my way to mine. As I was walking I saw someone I didn't want to see FUUTO

"Hey sister, I will walk you to class" Fuuto said while grabbing my hand and stared leading the way

"You know I don't need to escorted to my class by an idiotic idol like you and also you don't need to hold my hand" I said getting a bit angry

"Come on sis... you are jealous because I am a famous idol and your not and besides I just want to have a bit of fun before I go to my classroom" Fuuto said like a little child

"Fun ha" I said while pushing Fuuto against the corridor of the school and kissing him lightly on the cheek and backed away while he looked surprised

"So did you have fun now?" I asked in a seducive voice

"Haha you like me do you that's why you kissed me" Fuuto said

"No I don't like you and also it was just a kiss on the cheek to tease you, its no big deal" I said

"Well the, I guess I have to make you like me and I know the perfect way" Fuuto said while closing in on me, grabbing me around the waist, pulling my chin up and began bending over

' WHAT HE'S GONNA KISS ME IF I DON'T GET AWAY FROM HIS GRIP' I thought while struggling to get from his grip but was no use

"FUUTO OMG FUUTO IS HERE" A group of girl said while running towards us, making Fuuto distracting and me managed to get away from him and went to my class

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