Chapter 4: Moving in and Catching up with Juli

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Rosalie Pov

I was sleeping peacefully dreaming when I heard an alarm clock ringing. As I sat on the futon I found Hikaru who turned off the alarm and Louis still asleep. Hikaru tried waking him up while I did breakfast for the three of us. We finished eating and after got ready to go my new home. While we were in the car Hikaru and Louis told me that most of the brothers might not be home by now since some of them have to go to work while others have to go to school. The ride took at least one hour and when the car stopped I found myself facing the house I am support to be living in. We unloaded my stuff and headed inside the house

"I guess no one is home" Hikaru said while Louis nod agreeing with him

I continued staring at the two of them wondering how they know no one was here since we are still near the front door. As I was lost in thought I heard Hikaru and Louis laugh and that took me back to reality

"You must be confused right now Roe-chan, well they think is we are quite the loud family you see thats why we know no one is here" Louis explained

"Oohh" I said in a low voice as I was guided to my new room with my belongings there

"Well Rosalie this is your room, do you like it? " Hikaru said

"Mhhmm I like it, thanks" I said

"Well now sis me and Louis have to go back to work, do you want to come with us or do you want to unpack? " Hikaru said

"I think I will stay here and unpack things. Thanks for everything you have done and also for keeping my secret" I said giving them a half bow

"Well you are our sister. Bye sis" Hikaru said leaving my room, leaving Louis and me together. There was silent until Louis got up and before leaving

"Roe-chan I hope you like it here, if you need anything you can come find me in my room or else call me and also you should know that we will keep your secret so don't worry about anything" he said leaving

As the two brothers left the house, I started unpacking until I managed to arrange everything into place. Since there was nothing to do I decided to go exploring the neighborhood until I hear someone calling me by my old nickname

"Chee Chee" The voice said while turning to find a squirrel talking to me

"Juli" I said grabbing the squirrel from the floor hugging him

"I really missed you Juli" I continued

"Chee Juli missed you too" Juli said climbing on my shoulder

"I was going to go out, do you want to come with me?" I asked

"Mmhm Juli needs to catch up with Chee" Juli said

We exited the house and went wondering about while me and Juli talked about different types of things

"So Chee you are going to stay?" He asked

"Yes that's right, dad and Miwa though it is a great idea to come here and see my sister and meet my brothers" I said while Juli sighted

"Hey what was that about? Don't you want me to stay? "I asked giving him a childish look

"No I am happy that Chee is here, Chii can spend time with Chee now rather than with those pack of wolves" Juli stated

"Wolves huh. Why do you call them that?" I asked curiously

"Well I guess I should tell you since Chee is not as dense as Chii. Those brothers are a pack of wolves, they are always trying to get close to Chii and also I don't like the look in their eyes" Juli said harshly

"What look in their eyes?" I continues asking getting more curious every second

"I always try to get them away from Chii, they always planning something. Every time Juli isn't around Chii one of the brothers are always next to her and I never know what they are thinking" Juli said while I tried to hide my laughter about Juli addressing himself with his name

"Don't worry about it Juli, now that I am here I can help you 'protect' Chii" I said giving him a thumbs up

"What about you? Who is going to protect you from those wolves?"Juli asked me

"You don't have to worry about me, Chii needs more protection since she is sometimes dense. I can protect myself from them if they try anything, I did get a black belt in karate after all" I said proudly

"Okay Chee but Juli will help you okay" Juli said

"Yeah sure, I would need some assistance sometimes so I will be counting on you" I said

"Mmhm, by the way the hair color and the eye contacts look good on you" Juli said

"Thanks. Now that you mention it how did you recognize me?" I asked

"Juli know Chee since she was a baby, of course Juli would recognize Chee even though you look different. You look a bit like Chii now" Juli said looking at me

"Mmhm really. Me and Chii always looked different even though we are twins" I stated

"Well you do have the same hair color and same eye color now but you both have different physical features" Juli said

"I guess that's what makes us fraternal twins" I said while Juli nodded

Time passed by quickly and it was 3 in the afternoon and me and Juli decided to go back home.

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