Chapter 34: It's Time!!

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(Three and a half month later)


I am really excited, the baby will be coming soon. I'm already 8 ½ months. All these months I went shopping for baby clothes and things. I have had help all along, the brothers, Kaname and my family were helping me, well basically they did all the things by themselves not letting me help. Here I am right now in bed facing the ceiling humming a song that I am trying to write. I was completely bored.

Ring Ring

I reached to my phone and answered


"Hi Rosalie its William"

"William!! I am...em"

"Listen I want to meet you somewhere so we could talk"

"Well emm.. sure does the 'Welcome Cafe' sound good?"

"Yeah that's fine, meet me there in 20"

"Okay see ya"

I got up and got dressed

"You're going somewhere Roe?" Fuuto asked

"Yeah, I'm meeting William"

"Are you sure you want to meet hims sis? You know after that day?" Serina asked

"Like it or not I do have to talk to him some day. Besides he isn't a bad guy or anything. He said he wanted to talk to me"

"Okay just be careful, your almost..." Serina said

"...Ready to burst" Fuuto finished

"Very funny Fuuto but I'll be okay pinky promise" I said as I held my pinky up

"Are you serious right now, what are you 5?"

"Hey don't blame me, remember my harmonious are reacting"

"Yeah right especially when you and Kaname spend the night together. God you don't make it easy for me to sleep"

"You will understand when you and Serina have kids, well now bye"

I walked out of the house leaving both Fuuto and Serina turned red from embarrassment.

I went to the cafe we planned on meeting finding William already there waiting

"Hey William"

"Hey how are you?"

"Well good but also in pain you know" I said referring to by belly

"I was actually quite surprised hearing you will be having a child Rosalie, you're still young but I'm sure you will be a great mum"

"Thanks I hope so"

"So things are going good with Kaname then"

"Yeah. Listen William about our last well 'reunion' I am really sorry"

"It's fine I guess. I was miserable when you rejected me but also happy you don't see me as prince but as me, so thank you"

"Well emm thanks for understanding"

"So what is it? The baby?"

"I don...."

"Rosalie are you okay?" He asked concerned

"I think I am about to find out"

"What do you mean.... Wait are you"

I nod holding by belly

He held me bridle style and went to his car, driving to the hospital. He held up his phone while driving giving it to me. I called on Kaname's number, letting the phone ring

(Kaname Pov)

We just got back from shopping ans I went straight to Rosalie's room. I hate leaving Rosalie's side while she is like this but Hikaru and Lious convinced me to go shopping with them to choose some clothes for my daughter / son. As I entered I didn't see her and hurried down stairs

"Guys where's Rosalie?"

"She went out" Serina answered

"Yeah that Prince guy wanted to talk to her" Fuuto said

"What about?"

"Who knows, probably trying to propose to Roe again" Fuuto teased which made me want to kick him hard on the .....GOD!!

"Fuuto don't tease him like that especially if it involves that guy" Hikaru said

"Roe-chan can handle it" Lious reassured me

I nod but deep down I am still worried. That guy can offer her much more than I can, she can be a real princess live a luxurious life.....

My phone rang to an unknown number



"Rosalie? Are you okay? Where are you?"

"I'm okay William is driving me to the hospital....... our child will be coming soon.....we will become parents " She said in a crying voice

"I will be there Rosalie, I am leaving right now

I ended the call finding all Fuuto, Hiakru, Lious and Serina staring at me waiting for an explanation

"The baby is coming"

"I will call my parents" Serina said

"I will call the others" Hikaru said

"Lets go" Fuuto said

We rushed to the hospital. I talked to the nurse and she told me that Rosalie will be giving birth in no time. She leaded me to a room where a doctor and 4 nurses where present with Rosalie in between them in bed. I went to her and held her hand. The doctors then told Rosalie to start pushed and me to calm her down. We both did as we were told and after not long a cry was heard. I began tearing up when I saw what me and Rosalie has created, a little baby boy. The nurse cleaned him up and gave him to Rosalie. I saw Rosalie tear up in happiness like I was when looking at our son who she was breast feeding. The doctor and nurses left us so that we could have some privacy.

I kissed her forehead

"You did an amazing job love"

"No we did together. Do you have any particular name for this little guy?" She asked

"I was thinking Akira"

"What no"

"Then Kaito"




"I give up" I said raising my hand as in surrendering

"Do you have something in mind then?" I asked

"Yeah Junior"


"Yeah Kaname Junior"

"Are you sure you want to name him after me, I don't mind you name him after someone you know or like or anything"

"Naaa I'm sure. That name is perfect for him, he will be the most handsome boy in the world just like his father"

"Really now so I'm the most Handsome man a life right?"

"That's right but I'm not planning on sharing you"

"Don't mind at all as long as I have you"

I then kissed her passionately on the lips.

"I love you"

"I love you too Kaname always"

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