Chapter 1

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The day after the test I woke up early. I yawned as my mother walked into my room with a smile on her lips. She took a seat down at my feets.
"I want you to know that no matter what choice you make I will always love you. Me and your father will always stand by your side" She said with her smile on her lips getting bigger. I smiled without saying anything. She stood up and walked out of my room.
I sat up and looked on the picture beside my bed on my night table. It was me, mum, dad and Caleb. We smiled. I stood up and walked to my closet, I opened it up and took a grey tall dress.
Without looking in the mirror I stood in front of it.
"You can look if you want, Beatrice" I heard my father say behind me. I turned around and looked at him while he was walking towards me. He smiled.
"I don't need to, I already know how I look with this" I said and hugged him. He lied his arms around me and kissed my cheek.
"I love you" he whispered.
"I love you too, dad" I said.

•later at the ceremony.•
"Jonathan Zeger"
"Caleb Prior" I looked over on Caleb and he looked at me. A smiled crossed his lips while he stood up and walked down. I saw him cut his hand and waiting before letting the blood slipping down in the water.
"Erudite" I heard the man behind the table said. Caleb turned around, gave us one last look before walking away.
"Beatrice Prior" I heard. I looked over on my mum who had a tear in her eye.
I walked by her and dad and walked down.
I took the knife in my hand and letted it cut my hand. I held my hand over abnegation but moved it away to dauntless. I let the blood slipping down on the burning hot kol.
I heard everyone screaming and laughing but I didn't understand why.
Before I walked away I looked at my parents who cried in their seats.
I never got the chance to say goodbye..

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