Chapter 22

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One day the people that didn't believe in you will tell everyone how they met you - Johnny Depp

Nicole -
That night Eric followed me to my room and stayed with me the whole night. He didn't want me to sleep alone when I was this upset.
And when I woke up his arms was wrapped around me, I smiled and turned to him.
"Morning sunshine" he said and kissed my forehead gently which made me smile more.
"It's crazy how much you can make me smile" I said and lied my forehead on his chin. He laughed.
"Well, I'm doing my best" he said and kissed my lips gently. He broke the kiss and looked me in the eyes.
"I'm sorry to say that if we don't leave now we're going to be late" He said and turned around to leave the bed but I grabbed his wrist.
"are you sure we have to leave bed?" I asked and bite my lip as a smile was growing on my lips. He smiled.
"If I don't wanna lose my job, yes" he said and I groaned.
"You are so boring, Eric" I said and turned around to my side. He laughed.
"You will regret saying that when you see what I can do in bed" he laughed. I laughed too and stood up from the bed.
"Can't wait" I said sarcastically and dressed myself in my dauntless cloths.
"See you later" Eric said and walked up to me. He gave me a fast kiss before leaving my apartment.
I signed.

I walked down the stairs who leads to the pit where we use to train except the training hall. Everyone including Four and Eric was there, they looked at me as I took a place in the group.
"Why are you late, stiff?" Eric asked and looked at me with his hands behinds his back.
"I woke up late" I said and shook my shoulders.
"Don't do that again unless you wanna be faction-less" he said and looked away. What the hell was he doing? I looked on Four who looked away. His arms were crossed over his chest and he looked down on the ground.
"What's going on?" I asked Eric who turned to me again, he looked angry which made me regret even opening my mouth.
"Shut your mouth, stiff" he said and pointed angrily with his finger to me.
"I'm not a fucking stiff anymore" I angrily said. "Don't call me that again" he didn't look happy with me right now.
"You wanna be faction-less? Fine, not my problem" he said and turned around and walked away from the Pit. Everyone had their faces turned to me, they looked upset and whispered to each other.
"Shut your fucking mouths" I screamed and walked away. I walked pass Four and ran away from the Pit after Eric.
In the hall on his way to the dinner hall I stopped.
"Eric!" I yelled. He stopped and turned to me.
"What do you want?" he asked and looked at me with a bored face expression.
"Why did you do that? Embarrass me like that!" I yelled at him. He sighed.
"You are ashamed of having me as your girlfriend!"
"Stop!" he yelled. "It's not true"
"So why did you do that?" I asked more calmly. He signed. He never answered that question, he just stared at me and turned around and walked away.
My eyes was filled with tears and I ran away from he hallway to my room. Eric was an asshole..

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