Chapter 7

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Nicole Pov -
Some hours after Eric was here did the nurse tell me I could leave. She told me to be careful and not get in a fight with someone today.
I walked to the dinner hall and I saw Will and Christina laugh together. I smiled and decided to leave them alone and took a place alone.
"Why do you sit alone?" I heard a familiar voice say behind me.
"Why do you care?" I said and touched my food with the fork I held in my hand. Eric took a seat beside me and looked at me with his cold eyes.
"Because I thought you had some friends, but clearly I was wrong" he said with a grin on his face. I looked over at him and gave him an irritating look. He smiled which made me smile a little and I looked down. I felt his lips pressed to my ear.
"You eyes are as blue as the sky and I can't stop looking at them" he whispered and stood up and left me all alone again with my food. I didn't realise I sat and smiled until Four asked me.
"What are you smiling at?" I shook my head.
"No reason" I said. He looked at me and smiled before looking down on his food.

Your eyes are as blue as the sky..

"Four" I carefully said. He looked up while he was chewing.
"Yes?" He said and raised his left eyebrow.
"Never mind" I said and looked down at my food again.

short, I know but I have no idea right now about what I should write. If you have any idea, pleeease comment. Love yah all :) x

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