Chapter 12

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Nicole -
With the hand on my forehead I lied down in my bed on my back. I hadn't eat for two days which made me hungry.
Four had came and knock on my door once but I didn't open. Will and Christina had been here, trying to make me leave my room but there were no chance I left my room.
I woke up from my thoughts when someone knocked on the door.
"Open. I have food" Four. I stood up from my bed and walked out from my bedroom to the hall were I opened the door. Four looked down at me and handled me a bag which I guess had food in it.
"You don't have to babysit me or take care of me, I am capable to take care of myself" I said and looked up on him. He smiled and laughed sarcastically.
"You haven't eat in 2 days, Nic. That's not what I know of "taking care of yourself" he said. I looked down in my feet, he was right.
"But then thank you for caring" I said and sighed. He smiled before leaving me again. I closed the door and went to the kitchen to see what he had bring me.
I opened the bag and saw a cake. Dauntless cake. I laughed little and putted it on the table beside the sandwich he had given me.
While I was eating all I could think about was Eric, how I kissed him and how he didn't push me away.
Maybe he didn't dare to push me away? No, he's the dauntless leader. Why wouldn't he dare to push me away if I went over the line? So many questions without answers.

I opened the door who leads in to the training hall where everyone was. They all looked at me, including Eric and Four. I ignored them and walked to the orange punching bags.
"So you came" I heard Four's voice behind me.
"it's not like I had a choice" I said without stop punching the bag.
"That's right" he said and walked away.
"You do it wrong" I heard someone say behind me, it was Eric.
"Good to know" I said. He walked up beside me and looked at me.
"You need to use your muscles in your stomach to get a perfect punch" he said. I stopped and looked at him, he was so beautiful. His pierced eyebrow went up as he looked at me. I just wanted to feel his lips on mine and his body pressed to mine.
I interrupted my thoughts when I understood what I was thinking and I started to punch the bag again. Eric sighed and left me.

Eric's Pov -
I walked away from her but looked at her from distance. She was perfect, her muscles on her arms showed and how she punched the bag was perfect.
I loved how she looked on me, the way her eyes met mine. Whenever I saw her in the eyes something happened inside me, I don't know what. It's like she has a spell on me, the day she kissed me changed everything. I think I've fell for her, I had fell for her blue/grey eyes and her pink lips who perfectly fit mine.
I wanted her lips against mine and her body pressed to mine, I wanted her. I needed her.

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