Chapter 15

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Eric -
I sat up in my bed with my palms against my forehead. My head hurt and I had no idea why.
I looked at the side beside me, I heard someone breath heavily.
The panic started running through my body because I remembered that Nicole went to her room after our time in the pit last night. And I remember I went to the bar, drinking some beer but everything else was a blur.
I looked down on myself, I was naked and someone lied beside me in my bed. It wasn't Nicole.
The girl beside me turned around, she was awake and she looked at me with a smile growing on her face. Sarah?
"Morning, sunshine" she said and yawned before sitting up with the cover covering her breast. I just looked at her.
"Sad I wasn't Nicole? Haha, don't be" she laughed and stood up on her feet. She removed the cover from her body and putted her bra on. I looked away.
I had cheated on Nicole.
"Don't miss me, there will be more nights like this, I promise" she said before leaving the bedroom, the door who leads out from my apartment opened and closed again.
There will be more nights like this, I promise. Her words was on repeat in my mind and I was getting more angry the more I heard them. I took the pillow in my hand and throw it out from the bedroom, I heard something crashing in the living room but I didn't care. I had fucking slept with Sarah!

Nicole -
I sat down beside Four with a smile on my face.
"Hey, Four!" I said and looked at him before start eating my sandwich. He just looked at me.
"I saw you yesterday. With him" he said and looked away and drank from his cup. I got my sandwich in my throat and coughed.
"You did?" I asked to be sure. He shook his shoulders, he didn't look at me.
"Why are you so concerned about who I am with?" I said loud. He looked at me with an angry expression on his face.
"Because I know what he is capable off!" he said loudly. I didn't answer, I just looked at him with angriness in my eyes.
"You're a jerk, you know that right?" I said before leaving him. I was so mad right now but at the same time I knew he only wanted to protect me. But he couldn't and I didn't want him to.
On my way to my apartment I bumped into someone. Eric. I didn't say anything, I just crossed my arms on my chest and looked down on my feet.
"Aren't you gonna apologise for bumping into me?" I heard his deep voice ask me. I looked up on him, I must have had a confused expression on my face because he shook his shoulders and raised his pierced eyebrow.
"Excuse me?" I said raising my eyebrow. No it was his turn to have a confused expression on his face.
"Four said he saw us yesterday in the pit" I said, I signed. "He say I should stay away from you" I letted my arms down.
"I agree with him" He said and I confused looked up on him.
"Stay away from me" was the last thing he said before leaving me in the hall all alone. What the heck was going on?

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