Chapter 13

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Eric -
I sat down in the couch with my hands covering my face. I didn't know what to do with those feelings towards the initiate because I wasn't suppose to feel like this. I'm Eric goddamn it, I'm
not falling in love with girls, they are falling in love with me.
And I letted her kiss me and I kissed back which made her think I like her which I did.
I stood up and walked to the kitchen were I filled a glass of water.
I needed to find her, I needed her lips against mine. I couldn't be without her, I wanted her body pressed to mine. I needed it. I needed her.
without thinking I let go of the glass which fell to the floor and broke into thousands of pieces. I didn't care about it now, instead I ran out from my apartment to find Nicole.

When I came to the dinner hall were I thought she would be I stopped and walked in so no one would think something. I looked around and saw Nicole sit with Four. Dammit, what is she doing worh that Four? Oh my gosh, I'm jealous on Four of all people.
I went to their table and Four saw me and he stared at me which made Nicole to turn to me.
"Can I have a word with you?" I asked and looked down on her. She just shook her shoulders and followed me.
When we came into the hall were no one could see us I pressed her to the wall. Without doubting she lied her lips on mine and I pressed myself against her. She lied her hands on my cheeks.
"I need you" I said between the kisses.

Nicole -
"I need you" he said between the kisses. I stop kissing him and looked at him. Did he just say he needed me?
"What?" I asked. He but his lip and looked on mines.
"I can't be without you" he said and he looked at my lips like he needed them pressed to his.
Without answering I pressed my lips to his and out in the hall were someone could see us we made out.
But I didn't care, all I wanted in this moment was his lips pressed to mine.

Four -
"I wonder what he wanted Nicole" Christina said and swallowed the bite from the sandwich she just had taken.
I shook my shoulders and drank my water. I know what was going on but I had warned her to come close to him.
"What if they are kissing?" Will said and I froze.
"Don't be silly. Why would they kiss? Eric doesn't like anyone" Christina laughed and I signed in relief.
"Why did you do that?" Christina turned to me. I raised my eyebrow.
"What?" I asked seriously. She shook her shoulders.
"It sounded like you signed in relief" Will said quietly that I barely heard him.
"I didn't" I said angrily. Will and Christina didn't say anything more after that, they just laughed at each other's cute compliments to each other.
I was tired of hearing them and left the table.

Eric -
I signed out after the kiss who've probably last for ever. I smiled at the sight of Nicole in front of me. She smiled back.
"I think I like you" I said quietly which made her smile more.
"I think I like you too" she said and bite her lip and putted her hands on my chest.
"I need to go but meet me in the pit tonight" I said and kissed her forehead. She just kissed my lips and smiled before I left her in the hallway.
She was mine and I was hers.

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