Chapter 6

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Nicole -
I began to dress myself as I slowly looked around me. Everyone looked tired and they slowly dressed themselves. Some yawned and some just sat in the bed with their heads in their hands. They looked sad.
I wonder why.
When we'd dressed ourselves we walked to the dinner hall. We chose a table near the leaders table.
Maybe because it was the only one who wasn't taken..
We sat down and began to make ourselves some sandwiches.
"It's our third day here and I am freaked out already" I heard Christina laugh beside me. I looked at her and saw how she looked at Will. I smiled to myself thinking how cute they would be together as a couple.
While I was eating my sandwich I saw how Eric walked into the room with his hands behind his back.
His eyes met mine and I looked away fast, my cheeks got red.
Why are you blushing?
I looked up again and saw Four walking towards us, he smiled at me and took a seat next to Will in front of me.
"How was your training yesterday?" he asked and grinned.
"You pushed us really hard, Four" Christina said. Then we didn't say anything.

When we'd eaten we followed Four to the training hall for more training.
"...and punch to the throat then you'll have a better chance to win" I heard Four say while he was showing some skills to a boy in front of him. He punched him on the throat and he lost his breath. While the boy was trying to get his breath again Four wrestled him to the ground.
It looked like he was in massive pain and I closed my eyes for one moment.
"I want Nicole against Molly" I heard Eric's deep voice say behind me. I looked over at him and a grin graced his lips.

Will was right, he's a jerk..

I walked over to the ring. Molly stood in front of me, she looked at me with disgust in her eyes. She threw a blow to my head but I stopped her with my hands and kicked her in the stomach. She fell on her knees and I punched her in in her face and she fell to the ground.
"Get up, Molly!" I heard Eric say beside me with anger in his voice.
carefully she stood on her feet again and without any reaction from me I fell to the ground. Blood running from my nose and mouth. I couldn't move.
Molly dragged me and lied me on my back.
She punched me in the face but I kicked her away from me, she fell on her butt and I crawled to her and punched her face twice.
The last thing I remember is that two arms dragged me a away from her..

I carefully opened my eyes and saw Eric sitting beside me. I closed my eyes again.
"I know you're awake" he mumbled. I opened my eyes again and looked at him. He saw I looked at him and he looked me in the eye.
"You broke her nose" he said and looked down on his hands. I rolled over and looked into the wall.
"I-I'm sorry" I said. He looked at me and sighed.
"And Dauntless never ask for forgiveness" he said and stood up. I didn't say anything and he left the room.

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