Chapter 23

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Nicole -
It has been 1 whole week since mine and Eric's fight. I hadn't left my room unless I felt I was hungry.
I hadn't talked with Eric since our fight.
I think we've broke up, I wasn't sure. He had just walked away from me. Turned his back on me as I meant nothing. Like I was air.
I stood up from my bed and walked out from my room to the living room. I didn't feel to do anything so I took a seat in the couch, I pressed my legs to my chest and lied my forehead on my knees. I wanted to cry but no tears came out so I just lied there feeling how my heart teared apart every time I thought about Eric which was every minute.
"Nicole, open up" I heard Four saying as he knocked hard on the door.
"Fucking leave me alone!" I screamed and felt the tears in my eyes burning.
"Just fucking open!" he screamed back. I sobbed but wiped the tears away with the back of my hand and walked towards the door and opened it.
"Leave me alone!" I screamed and soon I felt how he wrapped his arms around me.
"Shh" he said and lied his chin on the top of my head. Without thinking I lied my arms around his hips and covered my face in his chest.
"He just..." I started but he cut me off.
"You don't need him" he said and broke the hug. He walked pass me into my room and I closed the door.
He took a seat in the couch and I took a place beside him. He turned his head to me and just started at me for a while. Carefully I saw him leaning towards me and soon I felt how his lips crashed on mine. I didn't stop him, I kissed him back. Our lips moved in synch before I understood how wrong it was I broke the kiss.
I stood up on my feet and walked away from the couch with my palm pressed to my forehead.
"I need you to leave" I said. He looked on me but did as I said and walked towards me.
"As I said before, you don't need him" he said before leaving my room.
I felt how the tears in my eyes burned and I couldn't stop them from falling. I just kissed Four.
I just fucking kissed Four.
I walked around in my apartment before I ran out from it.
I stopped running when I saw Eric down in the Pit and I walked slowly down the stairs and ran to him.
"Eric!" I screamed. "Eric!" He turned to me and I stopped in front of him trying to caught my breath.
"I love you, I don't want anyone else, nobody has made me feel so safe as you do, you are my everything. Please don't leave me!" I screamed and pressed my lips against his. He pressed his palms on my cheeks and kissed me harder.
I broke the kiss and looked at him.
"Please, don't fucking leave me" I whispered and took his hands in mines. He smiled.
"I won't, but stay away from Four" he said and tightening his grip on my hands. I felt pain but smiled.
"I will" I said and kissed him again.

O.M.G! Four and Nicole kissed, wtf is gonna happen if Eric finds out? :o comment what you think. I love y'all! ❤️

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