Chapter 3

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Nicole's Pov -
I woke up by the sound of metal banging at metal. I sat up in my bed and saw Four standing on the stairs looking at us.
"I want you in the pit, 2 minutes" he said out loud and walked away. I stood up on my feet, I looked over at Christina who got dressed.
I looked away and dressed myself.

When we got out in the pit I saw Eric standing beside Four. He looked at us and he looked not happy.
"All of you are 1 minute late" he said and looked at me but looked away again. I sighted.
I kept looking at Eric, his arms was covered in two big tattoos but I couldn't see what it looked like. He had many piercings in his face, but it wasn't them or the tattoos that scared me. It was the coldness in his eye, the way he looked at us was nothing but scary.
"... would you choose differently, out of fear? I mean If that's the case you maybe should get out now" I looked down at Christina, she looked scared.
"If you really are one of us it won't matter to you that you might fail, you chose us. Now we get to choose you" he said. When no one said anything he turned around and left us with Four. I wonder where he was going.
The rest of the day went by, we had trained 4 hours without a break so I was so tired and thirsty.
I heard the door open behind me and I turned to see who it was. And of course, it was Eric. He looked at me but walked pass me, ouch.
Why was I thinking like that? I didn't want Eric talking to me.
Don't lie, Nic.
The anger blew up in my mind and I started to hit the orange sack in front of me. Without noticing I felt something warm against my neck. I looked behind me and Eric stood there.
"You are weak" he said to me. I refused to answer because it only pissed me of that he came up to me only to tell me I was weak, thank you so much. My confident is a lot bigger now.
"You need to use your muscles in your stomach, stiff" he said. I could almost feel how his smile was growing on his lips. I stopped.
"Why are you telling me that?" I asked and turned around.
"Why wouldn't I when I see how weak you are?" If I didn't control my anger I would hit him and then I would live factionless.
"You can't just come up to me and tell me I'm weak" I said and crossed my arms on my chest. A grin was growing on his lips.
"I can do whatever I want. I am your leader" Frustrated as I was I turned around and started to hit the orange sack again. I heard Eric leave me alone again.

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