Chapter 10

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Nicole -
He walked towards me with a grin on his lips, he lied his hands on my hips and kissed my neck.
He continued and soon he kissed the spot on my neck who made me moan.
He stopped and looked me in the eyes, the grin on his lips were only growing and he licked them carefully before kissing my nose.
I lied my hands around his neck and I bit my lip. He was about to kiss me but he didn't. He teased me.
I pressed my lips against his and he pressed his body against mine. His hands moved from my hips to my back.
He tried to undo my bra but I stopped him.

I woke up and looked around me.
I was in a small room with orange walls and a table with a computer on it beside me. Simulation.
"Nicole, are you okay?" I heard Four ask me. I looked up at him.
"Maybe" I said, trying to breath. "It was Eric.." I continued and felt the tears in my eyes.
Why the fuck did I cry?
"What exactly did you see?" Four asked carefully.
I never answered that question because I ran out of the room, through the hall down to the training hall where Eric was. When he heard me open the door he turned to me.
I didn't stop, I ran towards him and pressed my lips against his. First he was shocked but after a while he kissed me back.
Letting his arms wrap around me and let his hands over my thighs and lifted me.
I never wanted this moment to end.

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