Chapter 27

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"Fear doesn't shut you down, it wakes you up"

Nicole -
"Wake up!" Eric yelled between his teeth as he shrug me. I opened my eyes and looked at him.
"What time is it?" I asked and yawned as I sat up in the bed. He sighed.
"That's not what's important, the important thing is that I think Jeanine has found us" He cleaned his throat and looked outside the window. I stood up from the bed and dressed myself fast. How could Jeanine have found us here?
"She has a big IQ" he said like he had heard my thought. I shrugged.
"We need to leave now, follow me" he said and opened the door and walked out from the room we've slept in this night. I felt bad because when Evelyn would wake up she will not find and she will think that we have used her. I decided to leave a note.
"wait" I said. "we need to leave a note" I said and stopped. Eric looked over at me and sighed.
"Okay but make it fast" he said and I went into the room again, searching for some paper and a pen which I did quite fast.
Dear Evelyn, I am so sorry we had to leave like this but we thank you for letting us into your house. We appreciate it and will never forget that. Love, Nicole and Eric.
"Why did you have to write "love" in the end?" Eric asked and signed. I laughed a little.
"Because I felt like it and she needed to think that we didn't use her" I said and lied the note on the sheets.
"C'mon now" says Eric and we went out from the room and down the stairs to the hall.
I took my shoes on and opened the door to go out with Eric after me.
He went up beside me and I closed the door behind us. He grabbed my hand and we walked away from the house.

When we had walked for awhile we needed a break, or me to be true.
"What time is it?" I asked one more time and Eric checked his watch.
"11:12 am" he said and looked down on me. He kneeled down in front of me and looked me deep in the eyes.
"We can make this, Nicole. After this we can live our life as you wanted, we can live in a big house and raise our own children" he whispered as he took my hand in his. He knew something bad was gonna happen, I saw it in his eyes. He was in pain, he knew that something awful was gonna happen to him. But promising that to me was to make me glad and not think about the worse, it was a beautiful thing to do and I smiled as tears came up in my eyes.
"I know" I said and leaned my forehead against his.
"c'mon now" he said and stood up again, not letting go of my hand so I stood up on my feet and followed Eric. I was happy it was Eric who I had fall in love with, I'm glad it was Eric who protected me against all those idiots, I'm glad it was Eric who was fighting me 24/7 but most of all I glad it's Eric who's standing beside me right now, his fingers tied with mine as a braid. I was happy that he ran away with me, that he was protecting me against Jeanine. That he sacrifice everything he has only to save me.
"I am so happy I have you" I said and tightening my grip around his hand. He looked down on me and smiled.
"You are never gonna get rid of me" he said and laughed. I laughed too and turned around and stood in front of him. I stood on my toes so I was the same inches like him and I lied my hands on his cheeks and kissed him. He took his arms around my hips and kissed me back. Our lips moved perfectly together and I letted his tongue into my mouth, they fought each other. When we broke the kiss we stood and looked at each other for a long time before we said anything.
"I love you so damn much" I said and hugged him. He lied his hand on the back of my head.
"I love you so much more, princess" he said and kissed my temple. I smiled.
No one could make me leave him. No one.

Is it just me or is it kinda sad now? He knows his story will end soon but he keeps telling her that they will raise their children together. I got tears in my eyes when I wrote this.
And this was their first tongue kiss ;)) :D hahah lol hope you enjoyed!

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