Chapter 4

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Nicole's Pov -
The next day was the same, we trained for hours without taking a break.
My hands were bloody from all the fights I had against the orange sack. I was disappointed that Eric came up to me and told me I was weak, I wasn't.
I stopped hitting the sack and looked at my hands, they were almost all red. I slowly turned around to see who was in the ring. Christina against Molly, I bit my lip as I walked towards them.
"C'mon, Chis" I whispered to myself. I saw how Molly kicked her in the stomach and how Chris fell to the floor. I didn't want to look so I turned around again and closed my eyes.
"Why did you stop?" I heard an deep voice said behind me. Eric.
"I needed a break" I said and looked over at him.
"No break until I tell you so!" he said angrily. I looked away and start punishing the sack in front of me. I didn't want him to yell at me so I did what he said.

Was I scared of him?

I heard Eric walked away again and I stopped for a second. I couldn't breath, I took a deep breath.
"Are you okay?" I heard someone ask beside me. I looked over and I saw Will.
"Yeah, I'm fine" I said and started to hit the thing in front of me.
"Don't let Eric mess with you, he's a jerk" Will said.
"Yeah" was the only thing I could say.

Some hours have passed by and I was alone in the training hall, finally. I was punching the sack over and over again. I didn't want to stop until I could show Eric I wasn't weak. I heard The door that leads in to the training hall open, and I froze, scared that it would be Eric.
"What are you doing here, Nicole" I heard someone ask. It was Four, thank god.
"I thought I needed some extra training before tomorrow" I said and shook my shoulders.
"If Eric sees you here, he will kill you" he said and took my arm in a tight grip.
"Let him do that then" I said. Four looked at me with anger in his eyes but let go of my arm. I just looked at him, he didn't say anything and left me.
What's wrong with all the people here? They are scaring the shit out of me now..

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