Chapter 18

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I would rather be a kid and play with paper plans than being a man and play with a girls heart - Niall Horan

Nicole -
I stopped kissing him when I heard someone walk towards us.
"Meet me in the pit tonight" was the last thing he said before leaving. I sighed and smiled.
"What are you smiling at?" I heard Fours annoying voice ask. I looked up on him and my smile faded away as fast as I saw the disgust in his eyes.
"Oh right, you made out with Eric, surprised!" He said sarcastically. I was hurt by how he acted since he had saw us in the pit last night.
"Leave me and Eric alone" I said between closed teeth.
"Or what?" he said and crossed his arms over his chest. I tried my hardest not to jump over him and punch him in the face.
"Get a own life to destroy" was all I said before leaving him in the hall with his arms crossed over his chest.
Why couldn't he understand the fact that I was with Eric? That I actually had falling in love with him even thought he can be such an asshole towards others.
I didn't care about what other people said about Eric or what he was capable off doing, unless he didn't hurt me or anyone else that I loved.
I walked into the dinner hall where I found Sarah sitting across the room. I took a deep breath and walked over to her.
"I'm sorry for you nose" I said and touched her shoulder with my hand. She just looked at me before standing up and looked me straight in the eye. I wasn't scared of her and she knew that.
"I'm sorry I stole your boyfriend" she said and laughed, everyone around the table laughed and I just stood there as a fool. I don't wanna hurt her again, I don't wanna be faction-less so I stood there and waited for her to finish laughing.
"You did? I don't remember him leaving me for someone like you" I said as cold as I could. Her smile faded away.
"I guess he hasn't fucked you yet which means that he probably has left you" She said and shook her shoulders like it was nothing. The anger blow up again and this time I didn't care if I would become faction-less, I just wanted to hurt her so I blow a punch in her face, she fell to the floor and I sat on my feet in front of her.
"Didn't I swore I would kill you if you ever touched him again? Cause I remember that" I whispered slowly to her, I saw how afraid she was. She didn't made a sound.
"Next time" I said and stood up again, leaving her bleeding on the floor.

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