Chapter 20

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"Isn't a queen and a king supposed to be together? I thought. Then I realised. He's my king but I'm not his queen." - @divergentpriorr

Eric -
I slammed the door behind me and walked angrily down to the pit. Empty, perfect.
I walked straight to the punching bags and started to hitting it. I was so mad but at the same time I couldn't be mad on Nicole. She was my angel. I blow an another hit on the bag and it swung back and forth.
The door who leads into the training hall opened and I turned around to see who it was. It was Nicole, she came towards me but stopped when she was close enough to talk to me. She crossed her arms over her chest like she wanted me to say anything.
"What do you want me to say?" I asked and sighed. She rolled with her eyes.
"Don't roll your eyes to me" I said and pointed finger to her. She rolled her eyes again and dropped her hands.
"I just wanted to tell you why I wasn't ready sleeping with you" she said with calm in her voice.
"Go on" I said and crossed my arms over my chest.
"When I was little a friend to my father touched me, he was always saying nasty things to me and he literarily had sex with me" she paused when she realised she had tears in her eyes. "And I've always had that fear to sleep with guys, he made me scared that other guys like you would do the same, use me" she said as her voice broke and she hugged herself. I dropped my arms and walked up to her, lied my arms around her and kissing her head.
"I would never ever do that to you, babe. I won't ever hurt you" I whispered to her and she broke out in cry on my chest.
"How could I know that? I didn't trust guys until I met you" she cried and I hugged her harder. I couldn't do anything to make her stop crying, seeing her cry made me sad. But the of the thought of that someone, a friend to her dad did things like that to her made me upset.
"You are safe with me, I won't let anyone or anything hurt you" I whispered. She removed her head from my chest and looked up on me, I looked down on her.
"You make me feel safe when your arms are wrapped around me" she whispered and forced a smile. I smiled and kissed her forehead.
"You are my king" she whispered and lied her forehead on my chin. I smiled.
"And you are my queen" I said.
"I'm sorry you saw me cry" she said and took a step out from my hug. I looked at her like she was crazy.
"I don't care if you're crying or laughing, I will always see you as the strong selfless person you are" I said and took her hands in mine.
"and no matter what, I will always love you" I whispered and took a step closer her. She smiled and kissed me, I kissed her back.
She was mine.

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