Chapter 28

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Nicole -
I scream a high scream as I lied my hand on my arms where the bullet has hit me. I scream again through my teeth and leaned my back against the wall. I hear a new gun shot and how someone else scream and soon I feel how someone takes me up in his arms, I didn't see anything through the tears in my eyes, but I knew it wasn't Eric because this man had no muscles and I feel his warm heavy breath towards my left cheek.
"You're gonna be okay" he whisperers before I pass out in his arms.

I carefully opened my eyes, I was in a small room with grey empty walls. I opened my eyes more and found Eric sit in the bed beside me with a nurse on his lefts side, rolling a plaster around his arm.
"E-Eric.." I tried but no other words came out, I saw how Eric turned his head to me and walked fast to my right side and took my hands in his.
"Nicole" he breathed. "How are you?" he asks and touched my hand with his thumb carefully.
"I-I have pain in the arm.." it came out as a whisper but I think he heard because he nod his head slowly as he took a seat in the chair beside my bed.
"W-Where are we?" I ask carefully. He signed.
"We're back beyond the walls, in Amity" he mumbled and tried not to look at me. He looked disappointed and I think I know why. He tried to protect me but failed. And Eric hates to fail.
"What happened?" I ask as I turned to my right side and looked at Eric. He didn't want to look me in the eyes.
"Look me in the eyes, please" I said and touched his hand with my fingers. He signed and looked me in my eyes, he showed emotions, he was in pain.
"It was.." he clear his throat. "Jeanines men, they found us" he said and looked away as fast as he finished his sentence.
"Why don't I remember that? and who carried me?" He covered his face with his hands and signed.
"You don't remember because you passed out because of the pain and it was a guy.." I cut him off.
"How did we came here?"
"Can you let me finish?" He said and looked me angrily in the eyes. I felt goosebumps on my skin but it disappeared as fast as he looked away.
"How the Amity found us was thanks to a guy who said he was from there, he helped us. He used this thing called a car to take us back beyond the walls and it was him who carried you" he finished and looked me in the eyes again.
"What's a car?" I asked. He laughed.
"To be honest I don't know myself" he said and smiled which made me warm inside.
"Please never stop smiling" I said and took his hand in mine, he laughed and looked down on our hands before looking up at me again.
"I love you" he whispered and clenched his jaw. I smiled brighter and blushed.
"You know I love you to the moon and back" I smiled. He laughed.
"I'm glad you're alive" he said as he kissed my temple. I thought he would kiss my lips but he just kissed my cheeks. Damn, he teased me.
"Stop teasing me" I said and lied my hand on the back of his head and pressed his lips to mine. Our lips moved together and I pressed my lips harder to his and he bite my lip. I smiled in the kiss and bite his lip to. He let go of my lip and kissed me harder, desperately. I broke the kiss to get some air and we both laughed.
"I wanna kiss you again" he whispered. I lied my forehead against his.
"Then do it" I said and but my lip before he kissed me hard again.
"Kiss me harder" I said and he just laughed and started to kiss me harder.
"I love you so damn much" he said between the kisses, I broke the kiss for awhile and laughed.
"I love you so damn much more" I said and crashed my lips to his again.
We fitted together, we were made for each other. I never wanted the kiss to end and I just kissed him harder.
I was in love with him. A love nobody can destroy. Crazy or not, this kind of love never dies.

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