Chaper 14

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A smile like his has never brighten so much as his does when he smile and it can't be more beautiful than it already is - @divergentpriorr (Instagram)

Nicole -
I walked down the stairs who leads to the pit and I found Eric leaning against the wall with a bored expression on his face. When he heard me come he looked up with a smile and walked slowly towards me.
"I thought you wouldn't come" he said and lied his hands on my hip. I smiled.
"Why wouldn't I?" I said and bite my lip and looked in his blue eyes who smiled with his lips.
"You are so beautiful, Nicole. I am weak for you eyes, for you smile" he said and pressed my body against his and he bites his own lip while he looked down on mine like he needed them against his. I didn't answer on what he said, I just letted him lie his lips on mine.
"You're a good kisser" he said and laughed when when we had stopped kissing. I laughed. I blushed and looked down on our feet. I never thought I would stand here, in the pit with Eric of all people kissing me and telling me how beautiful I am because Eric doesn't seem like one of those people who tell girls that they are beautiful. Or even confess that they likes them. I swallowed hard. And why had he start liking me when there were so many more beautiful girls around him everyday?
"Why me, Eric?" I asked and looked up on him. His smile faded away.
"What do you mean "why me?" he asked and removed his hands from my hips.
"Why did you "fell in love" with me?" I asked and crossed my arms on my chest. I saw how the anger blow up in his eyes but he didn't do anything. I swallowed hard again, angry at myself that I even questioned his feelings for me.
"It's not like I choose myself to be in love with you" he said with coldness in his eyes. Ouch, that hurt. I looked down on my feet again and letted my arms fall down beside my hips.
"But I choose myself to do this with you and experience the feeling to be in love with someone like you" he said and walked up to me. He lied his finger under my chin and made me look him in the eye.
"Because I've never felt like this towards anyone. I'm Eric, I don't like anyone and I don't want you to question this ever again" he said and looked me straight in the eye. I swallowed hard again and shook my head.
"Good" he said and soon his lips was attacking mine again. He kissed them like he needed them. At first I didn't kissed back but when I realised that, that's what I wanted I kissed him back.
I needed him but even more, I wanted him.

Four -
I looked down on them, leaning against the wall, kissing. I knew they had something going on but I never thought it was like this. They kissed each other like they needed each other and that's what made me even more angrier but I walked away from them and the pit.
I walked to my apartment far away from the pit and Eric and Nicole. I hated seeing her with him. He wasn't right for her.
And you are? I asked myself. I looked down on my hands, I wasn't better than Eric so why did I walked around thinking like this? Why did I even care about what Nicole did?
You have feelings for her, jerk! The voice inside my head screamed. I stood in front of the mirror, looking myself in the eyes. Did I have feelings for Nicole and felt jealousy? Towards Eric? I laughed towards the thought.
I lied to myself, I didn't have feelings for Nicole. She's not my type.
Or was she?

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