Chapter 21

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Heartache doesn't last forever, I'll say I'm fine, midnight ain't no time for laughing when you say goodbye - One direction (Irresistible)

Eric -
The next morning did Max wake me up saying that we had a important meeting. We had almost ran to the meeting room to not be late because we both knew that Jeanine hates when someone comes late to her meetings.

So now we sat in here, listening to he blabbering about killing all the Divergents and what they do to us and our world. First I was against the idea of killing the Divergents but when I have heard how they do in a simulation and like that I was in the idea of killing them.
"And you Eric" Jeanine said and turned to me, I looked up and met her eyes.
"I want you to find out if Nicole is divergent or not" she said and walked closer my chair. I looked at her as she was crazy.
"How?" I asked nervously. She shook her shoulders.
"It's up to you to find out" she said and grinned. "I've seen she has fallen for you, Eric, so it won't be that hard" she grinned. The anger inside me blow up.
"What should I do if she's Divergent?" I asked her and stood up from my chair, faced her. She wasn't scared of me like everyone else. She grinned and looked me deep in the eyes.
"Kill her" she said and turned around.
"We can talk about it more tomorrow" she said and took her papers in her hand.
"Good luck, Eric" she said before leaving the room. Everybody looked at me and I covered my forehead with my palms.
"Please don't be Divergent" I whispered to myself and pressed my palms against my forehead.

Nicole -
I woke up from the simulation screaming and soon I felt how two arms dragged me back in the chair.
"Get your hands off me!" I screamed with my eyes closed.
"Nicole, calm down" I heard Fours' voice calmly whisper to me. I opened my eyes and looked at him. When he felt I had relaxed in my body he took his hands off me.
"You want a glass of water?" he asked.
"No..I'm okay" I said and covered my face with my hands, my palms pressed to my cheeks and breathed heavily.
"Are you sure?" he asked to be sure.
"I am okay!" I screamed and jumped down from the chair and left the room behind me.
I ran down to the pit which was empty, I didn't know why I was down here. The tears was running down my cheeks and I got down on my knees, crying and screaming.
"Nicole?" I heard a familiar voice say my name. I didn't answer.
I felt two strong arms wrap around my tiny little body and I knew who it was.
"Eric.." I started but stopped when my voice broke.
"I am here, shh" he whispered and pressed his lips to my head. I turned around in his hug and covered my face in his chest.
"What happened?" he asked carefully.
"Since I told you about my fathers friend when I was little I have got a new fear. Him" I cried and he hugged me harder.
"You don't have to be afraid, I am here now and I am not going anywhere" he whispered and pressed his lips to my forehead. After that we didn't say anything, we just sat there with his arms around me.
"I love you, Eric" I whispered and looked up on him. He looked down on me and smiled.
"And I love you, my queen" he whispered and pressed his lips on mine. Our lips moved in synch and we broke from the kiss when we were out of breath. I covered my face in his chest again, he made me feel safe like nobody else has make me feel before.
But there was one thought haunting me, I lied about the friend thing. It was my father who raped me but if I told Eric he would kill him and somehow I didn't want that.

Hey guys. I just realised that I had made one of her fears of her dad earlier so that's why I wrote the last thing. I am weird I know haha but I hope you enjoyed this chapter! x Tomorrow school starts and I am not ready but it has to be done so the updates will be random and I donno when I have time. Forgive me! I love you all x

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