Chapter 31

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Eric -
I went down the stairs down to the hallway who leads to the dinner hall in Amity to eat breakfast. Nicole was still sleeping, she was pretty tired after yesterday. I don't think she feel so good after our conversation about Erudite and what they will do when they finds us. I hate seeing her so upset, I hate seeing her cry. I walked my way to the table with breakfast. I took myself a sandwich with cheese and say down beside Johanna on a table further away from the others.
"How is Nicole today?" she asked carefully as she looked up on me. I shook my shoulders as I took a bite from my sandwich.
"She's okay I think" I said and swallowed. She shake her head and took a bite from her sandwich. As we sat there in silent Nicole came down and sat down beside me. She looked tired and she leaned her elbow on the table with her cheek leaning on her palm. I stared at her, she was so beautiful even if she had black rings under her eye and and her hair as a mess.
"How are you?" I asked and swallowed the last bite of the sandwich.
"I am tired, what does it look like?" she growled. I raised my eyebrow at her.
"I am sorry babe, I just don't feel alright.." she said and lied her hand in mine. I smiled careful at her and kissed her forehead.
"I don't care, I love you anyway" I whispered against her forehead.
"You seem like you need some hours more sleep" Johanna said and leaned her elbows on the table. Nicole turned her head to Johanna and smiled.
"It's okay ma'm" she said careful.
"Please, call me Johanna" she said and gave her a big smile which made Nicole smile bigger.
"Okay, Johanna" she said and they both laughed a little. I loved seeing her laugh, I love hearing her laugh. I loved seeing her happy. She smiled and turned to me. She just kept smiling and looked me deep in the eyes.
"What?" I said and laughed a little. She just kept smiling and looking at me.
"I love you" she said and leaned against me to kiss me and I leaned to her and I almost kissed her before she leaned backwards, laughing.
"Fuck you" I said and took her wrist, dragged her to me and pressed my mouth to her which made her lips tear apart and she let my tongue in.
"Please, not here" Johanna laughed besides us and we broke the kiss, laughing.
"I just love this girl so damn much" I said and turned to Johanna who smiled.
"And she loves you" she said and I turned to Nicole, smiling.
"that's true" she said and kissed me again.
This time Johanna left our table to let us have a little time alone.
"How are you, really?" I asked when we broke the kiss. Her smile faded away and she looked down on her legs. I lied my thumb underneath net chin and forced her to look at me.
"Tell me" I said. I swear I could see a tear in her eye which disappeared fast.
"I am so, so scared that when Jeanine finds us she will kill you, I have told you that so many times, Eric. I don't wanna lose you to her, to death" she said and looked down on her legs again. I leaned my forehead against hers and whispered: "you won't, trust me"
"You can't say that, Eric. You said yourself that even if you would die you will be with me, you know you will die. Stop the lies now" She said. I looked up on her. She was right, when Jeanine will find us she will kill me. I knew that. I fucking knew that. I didn't say anything, I just kissed her forehead and wrapped my arms around her.
"I love you" I whispered with my lips pressed on the top of her head. "So much"

Eric says that Jeanine will kill him when she finds him, what do you think? I think this story is kinda sad now when we're coming to the end. Ily all my little readers ❤️

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