Chapter 8

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Nicole Pov -
When we'd eaten we left the dinner hall for training for a couple of hours.
Everyone was fighting except me, a girl who I think is named Elena got her nose broken in a fight with Molly. After the fights we got to train punches on the punch bags.
I landed a punch and the bag swung back and forth and I threw another hit to the bag.
I looked down on my hands, they looked horrible. But I threw another hit on the bag.
"Is is true that you left your family because they were abusing you?" I heard a guy say beside me. I looked over at him but decided to not answer.
"I'm gonna take that as a yes" he said and punched the bag in front of him. I stopped and turned to him.
"They never abused me" I said and caught my breath. He stopped and turned to me with a grin on his face.
"I heard your dad was abusing you once and your mum never stopped him" He said. Before I could say anything I was lying over him, throwing punches to his face.
"Hey! Nicole! Enough!" I heard Four scream behind me but I didn't stop until I felt his arms dragging me from him.
"You bitch, you broke my nose!" I heard the guy scream and he stood up.
"You were lucky this time! Next time I swear I will kill you!" I screamed and Eric's voice made me shut up.
"What's going on here?" he asked and came towards us with his hands behind his back. Four let my arms go and I wiped my nose with the back of my hand.
"She broke my damn nose!" The guy screamed and pointed at me.
"If you would have shut up your nose wouldn't have gotten broken!" screamed back.
"Hey! Enough!" Eric said loudly. I stepped back, feeling the tears in my eyes.
"Nicole, my office. Now!" Eric said and took my wrist. He drug me behind him out of the training hall through the hallway to his office.
He opened his door into the room and I walked in.
"Sit" he commanded and I did what he said with tears rolling down my face.
"I-I'm sorry, he just reached the line and-" he cut me off.
"You broke his nose" I looked him in the eye. He had no emotions, he just stared at me with his coldness in the eyes, didn't even show anger towards me.
"I didn't meant to break his nose" I said trying to reach him. He signed and rolled his eyes.
"What did you mean then, huh?" He asked angrily.
"I don't know.. When he said those things about my parents I lost it.." I said and tried to hide that I was crying.
"I'm not giving you any punishment but be careful, you can be factionless because of this" he said and gestured with the hand the I could leave and I did.
With tears still rolling down my face I walked to my room.
I sat on my bed and covered my face with my hands.
I was broken, Dauntless has broken me.

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