Chapter 33

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Three days later -
The pain in my arm from the gunshot flew through my body and I fell to the ground, growling. They had found us, Jeanine had found us.
"Nicole! Get up!" I heard Eric's stressed voice screams, I didn't see right. It was a blur but I saw Eric running towards me, with a gun between he's hands as he helped me up. "Got dammit, Nicole. Run!" he screamed. I shook my head and everything came clear again and I pressed my finger to the trigger on the gun in my hands and I ran away from Eric.
I leaned against the wall as I looked over my shoulder and saw a child, maybe 6-8 years old sitting on her knees with tears on her cheeks while a Dauntless stood with the gun pressed to her forehead. She begged for her life. No doubt ran through my body as I pointed the gun on the Dauntless head and I pressed the trigger. The body froze and fell to the ground, the child stood up on her feet, lied her arms around me and cried as she thanked me. I sat down on my knees with my hands on her shoulders.
"Don't cry, run" I said calmly to her. "Take it easy, don't go back, just run" I whispered. She shook her head and turned around starting to run away. I looked on her back as she disappeared around the corner. I took the gun between my hands again and I started to run, I searched for Jeanine to kill her. I rounded the corner and I froze as I saw Eric sit on his knees in front of Jeanine and Four who had his gun pressed to Eric's forehead.
"Four! What are you doing?!" I screamed as I ran towards him. He looked up at me with no expression in his face, he grinned.
"He betrayed Dauntless and now he's taking the price" he said and grinned to Eric.
"If you press that trigger I swear I will cut your throat" I threatened but I realised that he didn't care. He was Dauntless, scared of nothing.
"Do you think I care about you? You're just a girl, a stiff" he laughed. I dropped my hands and let them hanging beside my legs.
"So that's why kissed me?" I asked and Eric looked up, turning his head to me in shock.
"I kissed you because I was stupid, Nicole" He said. "You are nothing, you are just an another stiff who doesn't care about other people that yourself. Exactly like Eric" he looked down on Eric and he's finger leaned on the trigger.
"Please don't shoot, I'll beg you with my whole life" tears was streaming down my face now and I lied my hand on my mouth to not make a sound. "Don't shoot him, please, Four" I cried. Eric didn't stop looking at me, I saw pain in his eyes as a year was shown.
"Please" I begged, falling on my knees. He didn't turn his head to me, he didn't answer. He just turned the safety off and leaned his finger on the trigger again.
"Don't, press, the trigger" I cried, tried to caught my breath.
"Goodbye, Nicole" was the last thing Eric said before Four pressed the trigger and his body fell to the ground.
"Nooo!" I screamed, stood up and ran to Eric's body. I lied my hands on his face, tried to shake him awake but I realised he wouldn't wake up.
"Noo!" I cried. "Eric, wake up!" I cried.
"Wake up, please!!" I screamed, I lied my head against his chest and screamed. "Eric! don't leave me!" I stood up again and turned to Four who just looked down on Eric's body. A tear was shown in his eye but he just blinked it away.
"I hate you! You took away the only thing I had left with just one bullet, I will never forgive you!" I screamed to him as I pressed the gun to his temple.
"Kill me" he whispered. "I don't care" he said. The anger and sadness was taking over my body but I never shoot him, I dropped the gun on the ground and turned to Eric's body again. I sat on my knees, leaning my forehead against his as he used to do on me.
"I love you, Eric. I will always love you" I whispered. When I realised I had my eyes closed I opened them and looked down on Eric's face. His lips was apart and his eyes were closed, his face had turned white and he was cold. I breathed out.
"I will never forgive what you've done for me" I cried and sobbed. I leaned backwards and took his hand in mine one last time and I kissed it.
"I love you so much"

This was the end, tbh I cried myself when I wrote this. I want to thank all of you for reading this story, who have voted and commented all this sweet things. I know y'all think that it was too quick but I couldn't wait for the end tbh. Sounds weird but I will still doing other stories. I love you all and I hope you will stay with me during this time and reading my other stories. YOU ARE AMAZING! ❤️

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