Chapter 26

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Nicole -
"Jump!" Eric screamed before I jumped out beside him. He fell perfectly on his feet but I fell on my stomach and scratched my knees.
"Get up" Eric said and grabbed my wrist and dragged me up. I stood up on my feet and brushed away the corns who was in my scratches, it was painful but I did almost not notice. Eric looked around and so did I, we were beyond the wall. In an another part of Chicago, it was beautiful. Houses everywhere, it was like inside the wall but without factions, war. People didn't have to fear to not fit in because everybody fitted in here.
"C'mon" Says Eric and started to walk away from the train track.
"Where are we going?" I asked as I ran up beside him. He shrug.
"A place safe" he said and took his hand in mine. I smiled and tightening my grip around his palm.
"Thank you, again" I whispered and lied my palm towards his biceps. He looked down on me and smiled a little.
"You don't have to thank me, Nic. I am always gonna save you" he said and kissed my forehead. I blushed and looked down on the ground as we walked over to a white house.
"Wait here" Eric said and let go of my hand as he walked up the stairs to the door and knocked. Seconds from that the door was opening and a young lady showed. Her hair lied in waves on her shoulders and it was as blonde as mine, blue jeans was sitting perfectly on her legs and her figure was showing, a white t-shirt covered her breast and stomach. She looked perfect in my eyes.
I saw how Eric pointed at me as he continued talking to the lady and she glanced on me. She shrug her shoulders and smiled as she stepped away from the door and Eric turned to me, winked at me to come which I did.
Side to side we walked into the house and jumped out of our shoes and walked out to a big room with a TV. The living room.
"Make you feel comfortable and I'll make you some sandwiches" the lady said as she walked out from the room.
"What did you tell her?" I whispered to Eric as we took a seat beside each other in the sofa. He shrug his shoulders.
"That we have lost our way and needed a place to stay the night" Eric whispered as his lips touched my ear.
"You didn't have to lie" I mumbled and leaned backwards in the sofa. He nodded and lied his head in his palms as he took a deep breath.
"Here you go" the lady said as she came into the room with two plates with two sandwiches. I smiled to her.
"Thank you .." I started.
"Evelyn" she finished and smiled and smiled.
"I'm Nicole" I said and gestured with my hand that I wanted to shake hers. She grabbed my hand and shook it twice.
"You should feel like home" she said and broke the handshake.
"Thank you, we really appreciate it" Eric said and took a bite from his sandwich.
"Are you and sister?" she asked and took a seat in the chair beside the sofa.
"No, we are boyfriend and girlfriend" Eric said before I could answer. I looked over at him and then back at Evelyn who just smiled at him.
"Oh" was all she said. I shrug my head and started to eat on my sandwich.

"The bed are upstairs in a room to the left" Evelyn said before we thanked her and walked up.
As we walked into the room we both lost our breath when we saw how beautiful it was in there, white walls with photos covering them. In the middle of the room there was a large bed who had white sheets.
"Omg" I said and walked in with Eric behind me. He wrapped his big arms around me and kissed my temple before he went down on my cheeks.
"Eric, not now, not here" I said and putted his arms away from me and turned to him, still with a grip around his wrists.
"I'm trying to make you feel comfortable, Nicole" he said and lied his hands on my hips and kissed my chin.
"not that way" I said and kissed his temple before letting go of his arms and turned around. I jumped up on the bed and lied myself on my back.
"Can't we find a house like this and live together forever and raise our children there and not go back inside the walls" I said and looked on Eric. He smiled and lied himself beside me in the bed as he took my hand in his.
"As you wish, my queen" he said and kissed my lips gently.
I was happy and no one could take that away from me now.

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