Chapter 24

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Eric -
I looked how she was fighting all her fears on the screen, one by one until she woke up breathless and screaming. I tried to calm her down which didn't work. She was Divergent.
"Calm down" I whispered to her and lied my hands on her shoulders. She looked terrified in my eyes and tried to breath, her chest went up and down as she took new breaths.
"Eric.." she started but stopped to breath. "I saw him"
"I know and don't be scared. I'm here now he can't hurt you anymore" I said and kissed her lips gently. I had to kill her. "and I won't hurt you" I whispered and lied my forehead against her. I knew it was a lie, I knew that she trusted me.
"I know" she whispered.
"Go now and eat" I said and took a step back. "And walk out like nothing has happen" I said and opened the door to her. She shook her shoulders and walked out.
I lied my hands in my hair and walked around in the room, almost breaking everything who was there. Jeanine's words went through my mind.
Kill her. Kill her. Kill her.
I was going insane.
"Fuck this!" I yelled and kicked the chair who didn't move. I sat down in the corner with my hands covering my face.
I had to kill her.

Nicole -
I sat down on a table, alone as always. I haven't spoke to Christina and Will since our fight months ago.
"Hey" I looked up and met Christina's smile as she sat down in front of me.
"Hey" I said and looked down on my hamburger again.
"How's it going?" she asked and kept looking at me.
"Absolutely fine" I said sarcastically.
"I can see it's not" she said and looked down on her own food. She started cutting it into pieces before she ate it.
"If I would had any friends it would" I said and looked up on her. She swallowed hard.
"It was you who left us, Nic and-" I cut her off.
"I wouldn't have done that if you would cared in the first place!" I yelled. She looked speechless but soon I felt how she punched my nose. I groaned.
"what the fuck is you problem?!" I screamed and stood up on my feet trying to stop the bleeding but it didn't work.
"You shouldn't treat me as shit!" she yelled and stood up, walking towards me and punched my nose again.
"You are so dead!" I screamed and jumped over her and soon we both lied on the floor with me sitting on her, beating her face.
"Nicole! Get off her now!" I heard Will scream behind me, he took a strong grip on my arms and dragged me from her. I turned to him and looked him angrily in the eyes.
"How can you love her?! How can you love someone who's disrespectful to one of your old friends? How can you pretend to love her?" I screamed to him. He was speechless, he just looked at me as I was crazy which I kinda was.
"How can you do this to me Will?" I whispered and felt the tears in my eyes burn. "How could you pretend to love her when you clearly had feelings for me?" I said and let the tears out. He didn't say anything, he just walked pass me and helped Christina up from the floor.
"Be careful" was the only thing he said before he walked away with Christina.
I looked on his back as he left the room. I cried so much and fell on my knees with tears running down my cheeks, it felt like fire because it was hurting me so bad.
"Nicole, I need you to follow me" I heard Eric's voice calmly say behind me. I stood up and wiped away the tears with the back of my hand before turning to him.
I followed him to his office.
He closed the door behind me and I took a seat in the chair in front of his desk.
"How did this happen?" he asked and pointed on my nose.
"Christina" I said and looked down on my hands.
"Look at me, Nicole" he commanded and I did. I met his eyes.
"Don't do that again"
"I won't" I said.
"I don't wanna lose you and don't care about what she says" He paused. "because you are stronger than she'll ever be" he said and leaned on his desk, looking into my eyes. I just shook my head and gave him a small smile.
"I love you" he whispered and walked over to me. He leaned down to me and kissed me gently.
"I love you too" I whispered when he broke the kiss.
This Eric was the one I loved.

CHAPTER FUCKING 24!! This is crazy, what happening?
It feels like it's been 1 week since I started because it is like Nicole transferred yesterday :D
Hope you Enjoyed! :))

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