Chapter 32

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Nicole -
I woke up by the sound of a girls terrifying scream. I sat up in the bed and looked over on Eric's side, empty. I froze, he wasn't in the bed. I stood up from the bed and picked up the gun from the table beside me and pressed my finger on the trigger as I slowly walked down the stairs. I held the gun in front of me and walked into the big dinner hall, empty. I kept going and walked out in the dark then I heard it again. The scream, I followed it.
Then I saw him and her, he sat on his knees with a gun pressed to his forehead. When she knew I was there she looked over her shoulder and a grin was growing on her face.
"Say goodbye to your lover" she said and looked down on him again who had his face turned to me. I think I saw a tear in his eye.
"I love you" he said before she pressed the trigger. I closed my eyes.

I woke up with a scream from my throat. I sat up in the bed, panicking and looking over on Eric's side. He sat up with his eyes and hands on me.
"Oh my gosh" whispered and lied my palm on my forehead. "You're alive" he raised his eyebrow. Then he lied his arm on my shoulders and pressed me to his chest in a hug.
"Of course I am" he whispered and pressed his lips on the top of my head. I leaned back from the hug and looked at him as he was playing stupid.
"Don't say that ever again" I said and stood up from the bed.
"What?" he asked and leaned his back against the wall with a bored expression on his face.
"why did you say that it's obvious that you're alive? it's not!" I almost screamed. He looked angrily on me.
"Don't high your voice to me, Nicole" was the only thing he said before he stood up on his feet walking towards me.
"Stop pretending you are my father, Eric! You are not!" I screamed. He grabbed my wrist with violence.
"Calm the fuck down" he said and tightened the grip he had around my wrist.
"Leave me alone, Eric" I said between my teeth and took my arm out of his grip.
"You are so ridiculous, Nicole" he said and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Am I ridiculous?! I'm not the sadistic one here!" I screamed but lied my hand over my mouth when I realised what I just said.
"Eric, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to-" he cut me off.
"Leave the room" he said as cold as he could.
"Leave the damn room!" he growled and I turned around, leaving the room. I can't believe I just said that. I can't believe I said that to the one I loved the most. I can't believe I hurt him.

This sucked. Yup but whatever. Ily all. x

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